Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Agroindustry by-product – green leaves: A new source of protein and bioactive compounds

dc.contributor.advisorPopović, Ljiljana
dc.contributor.otherFraj, Jadranka
dc.contributor.otherTomić, Jelena
dc.creatorSedlar, Tea
dc.description.abstractU okviru ove doktorske disertacije istraživanja su bazirana na ekstrakciji proteina iz nusproizvoda prerade povrća – zelenog lišća, sa ciljem ispitivanja njihovih funkcionalnih i bioloških karakteristika, kao i razvoja novih formulacija prehrambenih proizvoda na bazi ovih proteina. Akcenat je stavljen na valorizaciju nusproizvoda agroindustije koji nastaju nakon uzgoja i branja povrća u cilju dobijanja novih proteina. Istraživanja su sprovedena na proteinima dobijenih iz lišća karfiola, brokolija, kupusa i cvekle. U prvoj fazi istraživanja, dobijeni proteini lišća primenom alkalne ekstrakcije iskarakterisani su u pogledu funkcionalnih i bioloških osobina, ispitana je njihova svarljivost kao i antioksidativni potencijal dobijenih hidrolizata. U drugoj fazi, istraživanja su bazirana na unapređenju procesa ekstrakcije proteina lišća primenom ultrazvučnog i enzimskog predtretmana, a efikasnost ekstrakcije praćena je ispitivanjem funkcionalnih i fizickih karakteristika dobijenih proteina lišća. U trećoj fazi, istraživanja su sprovedena sa fokusom na ugradnju proteina lišća brokolija kao funkcionalnog dodatka u prehrambeni matriks sa ciljem dobijanja novog proizvoda, i ispitivanja njegovih fizičko – hemijskih, strukturnih i senzornih osobina, in vitro digestije i antioksidativnog potencijala nakon varenja. Rezultati prikazani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji čine naučno saznanje o primeni tehnika za ekstrakciju proteina iz zelenog lišća, a takođe i o dobijanju prehrambenih proizvoda unapređenih bioloških i nutritivnih osobina koji mogu odgovoriti na sve veće zahteve i potrebe potrošača za funkcionalnom
dc.description.abstractThe research of this doctoral dissertation, was based on the extraction of proteins from the by-products of vegetable processing - green leaves, with the aim of examining their functional and biological characteristics, as well as the development of new formulations of food products based on these proteins. Emphasis is placed on the valorization of by-products of the agroindustry that are created after growing and picking vegetables in order to obtain new proteins. Research was conducted on proteins obtained from the leaves of cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and beets. In the first phase of the research, leaf proteins obtained using alkaline extraction were characterized in terms of functional and biological properties, their digestibility was examined, as well as the antioxidant potential of the obtained hydrolysates. In the second phase, research is based on the improvement of the leaf protein extraction process using ultrasonic and enzymatic pretreatment, and the efficiency of the extraction is monitored by examining the functional and physical characteristics of the obtained leaf proteins. In the third phase, research was conducted with a focus on the incorporation of broccoli leaf protein as a functional additive in the food matrix with the aim of obtaining a new product, and testing its physical-chemical, structural and sensory properties, in vitro digestion and antioxidant potential after digestion. The results presented in this doctoral dissertation constitute scientific knowledge about the application of techniques for extracting protein from green leaves, and also about obtaining food products with improved biological and nutritional properties that can respond to the increasing demands and needs of consumers for functional food.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectNusproizvodi agroindustrijesr
dc.subjectAgroindustry by-productsen
dc.subjectplant proteinsen
dc.subjectfunctional properties of proteinsen
dc.subjectbiologically active compoundsen
dc.subjectleaf proteinsen
dc.subjectin vitro digestionen
dc.subjectbiljni proteinisr
dc.subjectfunkcionalne osobine proteinasr
dc.subjectbiološki aktivna jedinjenjasr
dc.subjectproteini lišćasr
dc.subjectin vitro digestijasr
dc.titleNusproizvod agroindustrije – zeleno lišće: Novi izvor proteina i bioaktivnih jedinjenjasr
dc.title.alternativeAgroindustry by-product – green leaves: A new source of protein and bioactive compoundsen

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