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Tolerance of white poplar assortments against abiotic factors in vitro

dc.contributor.advisorMladenović, Emina
dc.contributor.advisorKovačević, Branislav
dc.contributor.otherOrlović, Saša
dc.contributor.otherLjubojević, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherOcokoljić, Mirjana
dc.creatorVuksanović, Vanja
dc.description.abstractKultura tkiva se široko koristi u proceni tolerantnosti na abiotiĉke ĉinioce kod velikog broja biljnih vrsta. Osnovi cilj ovog istraţivanja bila je procena tolerantnosti genotipova bele topole prema reakciji podloge, zaslanjenosti i suši u in vitro uslovima, a sve u cilju potrebe oĉuvanja i unapreĊenja biodiverziteta ove vrste i njenog korišćenja u pejzaţnoj arhitekturi i proizvodnji drveta. U ovom radu istraţivana je tolerantnost pet genotipova bele topole: srpske selekcije u eksperimentalnoj fazi L-80, L-12, LCM i LBM i jedna italijanska sorta: cl. Villafranca. Tolerantnost genotipova procenjena je prema skupu od ukupno 27 parametara ukljuĉujući morfološke, parametre biomase, fotosintetiĉkih pigmenata i biohemijske parametre. Na osnovu primenjenjih statistiĉkih testova izdvojene su podloge koje su se pokazale najprikladnijim za diferencijaciju istraţivanih genotipova po istraţivanim abiotiĉkim ĉiniocima. Rezultati istraţivanja ukazuju da postoji znaĉajna varijabilnost u reakciji istraţivanih genotipova prema reakciji podloge, zaslanjenosti i suši. Genotip L-80 se pokazao kao dobar kandidat za gajenje na podruĉijma opterećenim nekim od istraţivanih abiotiĉkih ĉinilaca. Rezultati takoĊe ukazuju na znaĉajan potencijal uzgoja bele topole u kulturi tkiva kao pouzdane metode u proceni tolerantnosti prema ispitivanim abiotiĉkim ĉiniocima i da primenjeni testovi mogu biti od velikog znaĉaja za selekciju genotipova u in vitro uslovima. Buduća istraţivanja treba usmeriti na ispitivanje uticaja kombinacije abiotiĉkih ĉinioca i veći broj genotipova. U tom smislu bi istraţivanja trebalo proširiti i na reakciju isptivanih genotipova na abiotiĉke ĉinioce u poljskim uslovima.sr
dc.description.abstractTissue culture is widely used in assessment of tolerance against abiotic factors in many plant species. The main aim of this study was the evaluation of tolerance against medium reaction, salinity and drought of white poplar genotypes in vitro, in course of necessity of preservation and improvement of biodiversity of this species and its use in land architecture and wood production. In this work, tolerance of five genotypes of white poplar was examined, Serbian assortments in experimental phase: L80, L-12, LCM and LBM, and one Italian cultivar: cl. Villafranca. Tolerance of genotypes was evaluated according to group of 27 parameters in total, including morphological, biomass, photosynthetic pigments‟ and biochemical parameters. Based on applied statistical tests media were found to be the most appropriate for selection for differentiation of examined by examined abiotic factors. Results of study suggest that there is considerable variability in reaction of examined genotypes against media reaction, salinity and drought. Genotype L-80 was found to be good candidate for cultivation on areas burdened with some of examined abiotic factors. Results also showed considerable potential of white poplar tissue culture as reliable method in tolerance assessment of examined abiotic factors and that applied tests could be of great importance in genotype selection in vitro. Further research should be directed on study of influence of combination of abiotic factors and larger number of genotypes. In that sense investigation should be expended on reaction of examined genotypes in field conditions.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectbela topolasr
dc.subjectabiotiĉki stressr
dc.subjectkultura tkivasr
dc.subjectocena genotipovasr
dc.subjectwhite poplaren
dc.subjectabiotic stressen
dc.subjecttissue cultureen
dc.subjectgenotype evaluationen
dc.titleTolerantnost selekcija bele topole prema abiotiĉkim ĉiniocima u uslovima in vitrosr
dc.title.alternativeTolerance of white poplar assortments against abiotic factors in vitroen

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