Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

Quantitative - genetic analysis for racing times of trotter horses

dc.contributor.advisorTrivunović, Snežana
dc.contributor.advisorBaban, Mirjana
dc.contributor.otherRadović, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherMatić-Kekić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherPotočnik, Klemen
dc.creatorŠtrbac, Ljuba
dc.description.abstractDisertacijom su obuhvaćena istraţivanja zasnovana na metodama kvantitativne genetike za ostvareno vreme u trci kasača koje predstavlja najbitniju meru za selekciju trkačkih konja. Cilj istraţivanja je bio da se utvrdi najpovoljniji model za ocenu genetskih parametara i procena oplemenjivačkih vrednosti kasača u Srbiji. Podaci su analizirani sa ukupno pet različitih modela za genetsku analizu (univarijantni model oca za ponovljena merenja, univarijantni model ţivotinje za ponovljena merenja, multivarijantni model oca za ponovljena merenja, multivarijantni model ţivotinje za ponovljena merenja i model sa slučajnom regresijom), pri čemu su prvo analizirani fenotipski parametri i uticaj različitih fiksnih faktora na ostvareno vreme u trci kod kasača. Rezultati deskriptivne statistike, tumačeni u odnosu na druga istraţivanja na ovu temu, ukazuju da se prosečna vrednost posmatrane osobine, koja u ispitivanoj populaciji iznosi 84,13 s/km, nalazi na niţem nivou od mogućeg, te da prostora za unapreĎenje ima. Fiksni faktori su obuhvatali uticaj pola, meseca i godine roĎenja, sezone i godine trke, starosti, hipodroma, distance i načina starta, pri čemu je jednofaktorskom analizom varijanse utvrĎen statistički visoko značajan uticaj (P<0,001) svakog faktora posebno. Primenom opšteg linearnog modela fiksni faktori su kombinovani na različite načine, a na osnovu visine koeficijenta determinacije je od ukupno deset ispitanih modela izabran najbolji model za dalju genetsku analizu. Najviši koeficijent determinacije (0,51) je imao model koji je sadrţao fiksni uticaj pola, starosti i interakcije: mesec i godina roĎenja, sezona trke, godina trke i hipodrom, te interakciju distance i načina starta. Primenom pet različitih modela za genetsku analizu izračunata je srednja do visoka vrednost heritabilnosti što je sa apekta efekta selekcije poţeljno jer ukazuje na to da bi u ispitivanoj populaciji direktna selekcija na osnovu vremena u trci bila efikasna. Dobijeni rezultati u ovom istraţivanju ukazuju na prednost modela ţivotinje za ponovljena merenja prilikom genetsko vrednovanje kasača, s obzirom na to da je njime postignuta potpuna konvergencija podataka, da je izračunata visoka vrednost heritabilnosti (0,551), te niska greška ovog koeficijenta     (0,058). Bez obzira na primenjeni model, procenjen je povoljan genetski trend, te se moţe zaključiti da je u posmatranom periodu ostvareno genetsko poboljšanje u okviru posmatrane populacije kasača za ostvareno vreme u trci, odnosno brzinu.  Datumsr
dc.description.abstractThis thesis encompasses research based on quantitative genetics methods for racing times of trotter horses, which is the most important measure for the selection of racehorses. The aim of this study was to determine the most suitable model for the evaluation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values for trotter horses in Serbia. A total of five different models were used for this genetic analysis (univariate sire model for repeated measures, univariate animal model for repeated measures, multivariate sire model for repeated measures, multivariate animal model for repeated measures and a random regression model), by which phenotypic parameters and the effects of different fixed factors on racing times of trotter horses were initially analyzed. Results of descriptive statistics, interpreted in relation to other studies on this subject, indicate that the average value of the observed trait (speed), which in the study population was 84.13 s/km, was low compared with the possible level, and that there is scope for improvement. Fixed factors included the effects of sex, year and month of birth, year and season of the race, age, racetrack, distance and start method, and single factor ANOVA analysis showed statistically highly significant effects (P <0.001) of each these individual factors. Using a general linear model, the fixed factors were combined in different ways, and based on the coefficient of determination, the best model from a total of ten surveyed models was selected for further genetic analysis. The highest coefficient of determination (0.51) was produced by a model that included the fixed effects of sex, age and interactions: the month and year of birth, season, year of race and racetrack, and the interaction of distance and start method. By using the five different models for genetic analysis, a medium to high level of heritability was calculated, which is desirable from the aspect of selection effects because it indicates that in the study population, direct selection on the basis of race time should be effective. The results obtained in this study indicate the advantage of the univariate repeatability animal model for genetic evaluation of trotters, given the fact that this model achieved full convergence of data, as was calculated by the high heritability value (0.551) and low error of this coefficient (0.058). Regardless of the applied     model, based on the average breeding values by year of birth, the estimated genetic trend was positive, and it can be concluded that over the reporting period, genetic improvement of racing times, i.e. speed, was achieved in the observed trotter horse population. Accepteden
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Пољопривредни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectOplemenjivanje ţivotinjaKasačisr
dc.subjectSKW Animal breedingen
dc.subjectAnimal breedingen
dc.subjectTrotter horsesen
dc.subjectracing timesen
dc.subjectbreeding valueen
dc.subjectgenetic trenden
dc.subjectTrotter horsesen
dc.subjectracing timesen
dc.subjectbreeding valueen
dc.subjectgenetic trenden
dc.subjectvreme u trcisr
dc.subjectoplemenjivačke vrednostisr
dc.subjectgenetski trendsr
dc.titleKvantitativno - genetska analiza ostvarenog vremena u trci kod kasačasr
dc.title.alternativeQuantitative - genetic analysis for racing times of trotter horsesen

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