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Evaluation of antigenotoxic potential of ethanolic olive leaf extract (Olea europaea L.) on the effect of thyroxine, adrenaline, estradiol and diethylstilbestrol in human peripheral blood leukocytes in vitro

dc.contributor.advisorŽivković, Lada
dc.contributor.otherSavić-Veselinović, Marija
dc.contributor.otherĐelić, Ninoslav
dc.contributor.otherŽivković, Lada
dc.contributor.otherSavić-Veselinović, Marija
dc.creatorTopalović, Dijana
dc.description.abstractHormoni su organska jedinjenja različite hemijske prirode koji svojim dejstvom utiču na rast, funkciju i metabolizam organizma. Povišene koncentracije hormona dovode do stvaranja slobodnih radikala, što može izazvati oksidativni stres i oštećenja DNK molekula. Poznato je da komponente tradicionalne mediteranske ishrane imaju pozitivne efekte na smanjenje oksidativnog stresa i prevenciju mnogih bolesti. Brojne in vitro i in vivo studije su potvrdile korisne efekte suvog ekstrakta lista masline (DOLE) i njegovih sastojaka, kao i zaštitni potencijal u odnosu na oksidativna oštećenja DNK molekula. Stoga, glavni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita antigenotoksični potencijal spektra koncentracija suvog ekstrakta lista masline u leukocitima periferne krvi čoveka u prisustvu hormona tiroksina, adrenalina, estradiola i dietilstilbestrola in vitro. Ispitivanje je obavljeno primenom alkalnog komet testa, osetljive i brze metode za određivanje i analizu primarnih oštećenja DNK u pojedinačnim ćelijama. Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da su tiroksin, adrenalin, estradiol i dietilstibestrol sposobni da budu medijatori značajnog povećanja oštećenja DNK molekula. Suvi ekstrakt lista masline je u svim testiranim koncentracijama ispoljio značajan antigenotoksični potencijal u oba eksperimentalna protokola, u pretretmanu i posttretmanu. Praćenje kinetike reparacije DNK u prisustvu DOLE u odnosu na oštećenja izazvana hormonima je pokazalo da ekstrakt nije značajno uticao na stimulaciju reparacije oštećenja DNK. Sumirajući rezultate ove disertacije, može se zaključiti da suvi ekstrakt lista masline poseduje izražen potencijal smanjenja primarnih oštećenja DNK izazvanih tiroksinom, adrenalinom, estradiolom i dietilstilbestrolom. Predstavljeni in vitro model na leukocitima periferne krvi čoveka pružio je podatke koji su korisni za buduće in vivo studije i klinička ispitivanja suvog ekstrakta lista masline.sr
dc.description.abstractHormones are organic compounds of different chemical nature that affect cell growth, function and metabolism. Elevated concentrations of hormones lead to the formation of free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress and damage to the DNA molecule. It is known that the components of traditional Mediterranean food have positive effects on the reduction of oxidative stress and the prevention of many diseases. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of dry olive leaf extract (DOLE) and its constituents, as well as protective potential on the oxidative damage of DNA molecules. Therefore, the main aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate the antigenotoxic potential of the spectrum of concentrations of dry olive leaf extract in peripheral blood leukocytes in the presence of hormone thyroxine, adrenaline, estradiol, and diethylstilbestrol in vitro. The study was performed using an alkaline comet assay, a sensitive and fast method for determining and analyzing primary DNA damage in individual cells. The results of this study have shown that thyroxine, adrenaline, estradiol, and diethylstibestrol are capable of being mediators of significant increase of DNA damage. Dry olive leaf extract demonstrated significant ability to reduce primary DNA damage at all tested concentrations and in both experimental protocols, in pretreatment and posttreatment. Monitoring the kinetics of DNA repair in the presence of DOLE in relation to damage induced by homones has shown that the extract did not significantly affect the stimulation of DNA damage repair. Summarizing the results of this dissertation, it can be concluded that the dry olive leaf extract possesses a strong potential to reduce primary DNA damage induced by thyroxine, adrenaline, estradiol, and diethylstilbestrol. The presented in vitro model on human peripheral blood leukocytes provided data that are useful for future in vivo studies and clinical trials of dry olive leaf extract.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173034/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectsuvi ekstrakt lista masline (DOLE)sr
dc.subjectdry olive leaf extract (DOLE)en
dc.subjectoštećenja DNKsr
dc.subjectDNA damageen
dc.titleProcena antigenotoksičnog potencijala etanolnog ekstrakta lista masline (Olea europaea L.) u prisustvu hormona tiroksina, adrenalina, estradiola i dietilstilbestrola u leukocitima periferne krvi in vitro kod čovekasr
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of antigenotoxic potential of ethanolic olive leaf extract (Olea europaea L.) on the effect of thyroxine, adrenaline, estradiol and diethylstilbestrol in human peripheral blood leukocytes in vitroen

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