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Assessment of health literacy in the adult population registered to family medicine physicians in the Republic of Srpska

dc.contributor.advisorJović-Vraneš, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.advisorVasiljević, Nađa
dc.contributor.otherMatejić, Bojana
dc.contributor.otherĐikanović, Bosiljka
dc.contributor.otherUkropina, Snežana
dc.creatorTodorović, Nevena
dc.description.abstractZdravstvenu pismenost možemo definisati kao lične, kognitivne i socijalne vještine kojima se određuje motivacija i sposobnost pojedinaca da dođu do informacija, razumiju ih i koriste kako bi unaprijedili i održali dobro zdravlje. U procesu pružanja zdravstvene zaštite, zdravstvena pismenost predstavlja zajedničku odgovornost unutar koje pacijenti i zdravstveni radnici moraju komunicirati svako na način da ga onaj drugi razumije, kako bi mogli zajednički i odgovorno donositi odluke. Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem da se ocijeni pouzdanost i valjanost instrumenta za mjerenje zdravstvene pismenosti, ocijeni zdravstvena pismenost korisnika usluga primarne zdravstvene zaštite na teritoriji Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), identifikuju faktori koji su povezani sa zdravstvenom pismenošću i predlože mjere iz domena promocije zdravlja za unapređenje zdravstvene pismenosti stanovništva. Istraživanje je provedeno kao studija presjeka u dva doma zdravlja–Prijedor i Bijeljina, a uzorak je činilo 768 ispitanika. Instrument istraživanja bio je upitnik STOFHLA (Skraćeni test za ispitivanje funkcionalne zdravstvene pismenosti kod odraslog stanovništva–Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults). Pored ovog upitnika, korišten je i upitnik u kome se nalaze pitanja koja obuhvataju: demografske, socijalne i ekonomske karakteristike ispitanika, samoprocjenu zdravlja, korišćenje zdravstvene službe, prisustvo hroničnih bolesti, faktore rizika za zdravlje i zadovoljstvo životom. Podaci su analizirani metodama deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike. Neadekvatnu i marginalnu zdravstvenu pismenost ima 34,6% naših ispitanika, a adekvatnu 65,4%. Utvrđena je povezanost zdravstvene pismenosti u ispitivanoj populaciji sa starosnom dobi, nivoom obrazovanja, pripadnosti domu zdravlja, mjestom stanovanja i migracionim kretanjima, bračnim statusom, materijalnim stanjem, prisustvom i brojem bolesti, promjenom zdravstvenog stanja i samoprocjenom zdravlja, brojem posjeta porodičnim doktorima i brojem hospitalizacija, nedovoljnom fizičkom aktivnošću i samoprocjenom zadovoljstva životom samih
dc.description.abstractHealth literacy can be defined as the combination of personal, cognitive and social skills that determine motivation and ability of individual to capture the information, understand them and use them to improve and maintain good health. In a process of providing health care, health literacy represents mutual responsibility within which patients and physicians have to communicate in a comprehensible way, in order to mutually and responsibly make decisions. The goals of the research were the following: to assess reliability and validity of instruments that measure health literacy; assess health literacy of primary health care user on a territory of Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina); identify factors that are associated with health literacy; propose measures from a domain of health promotion in order to improve health literacy of population. The research was conducted as a study of intersection in two Primary health care centers Prijedor and Bijeljina, and a sample was consisted of 768 respondents. The instrument of the study was a query STOFHLA (Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults). Besides this query, another query was used that consists of questions which cover demographic, social and economic characteristics of respondent, self-perception of health, use of health services, presence of chronic diseases, life habits and health risk factors and life satisfaction. Data were analyzed by methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. Inadequate and marginal health literacy possess 34.6% of our respondents, whereas adequate possess 65.4%. A correlation of health literacy in target population was affirmed with age, educational level, utilization of health services, place of residence and migrations, marital status, material status, presence and number of illnesses, health condition changes and self-perception of health, number of visits to a family physician and number of hospitalizations, insufficient physical activity and self-perception of life satisfaction of respondents...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjecthealth literacyen
dc.subjectprimary healthcareen
dc.subjectadult populationen
dc.subjectfamily medicine physiciansen
dc.subjectzdravstvena pismenostsr
dc.subjectprimarna zdravstvena zaštitasr
dc.subjectodrasla populacijasr
dc.subjectdoktori porodične medicinesr
dc.titleProcjena zdravstvene pismenosti odraslog stanovništva registrovanog kod doktora porodične medicine u Republici Srpskojsr
dc.title.alternativeAssessment of health literacy in the adult population registered to family medicine physicians in the Republic of Srpskaen

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