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The impact of additional program of physical exercise on morphological and motor status of preschool children

dc.contributor.advisorMadić, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherMadić, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherĐorđić-Todorović, Višnja
dc.contributor.otherNedeljković, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherKrneta, Željko
dc.creatorPelemiš, Vladan
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se primenom eksperimentalne metode naučno utvrdi da li dodatni šestomesečni program figičkog vežbanja u redovnim uslovima rada predškolske ustanove može regultirati gnačajnim promenama u morfološkim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostima kod dece predškolskog ugrasta prosečne starosti 6,21±0,56 decimalnih godina. Obuhvaćeno je ukupno 211 dece od toga devojčica (n=103) i dečaka (n=108) koji su na početku istraživanja (01. septembar 2014. godine) bili polaznici predškolskih grupa u Predškolskoj ustanovi "Čukarica" u Beogradu. Prema kriterijumu primene šestomesečnog figičkog vežbanja ispitanici su bili podeljeni u tri homogene grupe i to: eksperimentalnu (E) koju je činilo 36 dečaka i 28 devojčica, prvu kontrolnu (K1) sastavljenu od 31 dečaka i 37 devojčica i drugu kontrolnu grupu (K2) sačinjenu od 41 dečaka i 38 devojčica. E grupa je imala dodatni koncept programa koji je bio gasnovan na sadržajima visoke složenosti, sproveden kao figičko vaspitanje, a usmeren na razvoj biotičkih motoričkih gnanja. K1 grupa je takoe imala dodatni ali diferenciran program, usmeren kao trenažne sekvence, ga dečake polistrukturalnoaciklične aktivnosti, a ga devojčice estetskokonvencione aktivnosti. Dok K2 grupa pored redovnih aktivnosti ig figičkog vaspitanja nije bila podvrgnuta nijednom obliku dodatnog figičkog vežbanja. Koristio se kvagi– eksperimentalni nacrta istraživanja, tačnije nacrt sa neekvivalentnim grupama i pretestposttestom. Ugorak morfoloških mernih instrumenata bio je sačinjen po redukovanom modelu (Viskić, 1972; Kurelić i sar., 1975) preuget ig istraživanja Bale (1980). Motorički merni instrumenti proiglage takoe ig redukovanog teoretskog modela (Kurelića i sar., 1975; Gredelja i sar., 1975) preuzetog iz istraživanja Bale i Popovića (2007). Rezultati istraživanja ukaguju da je program dodatnog figičkog vežbanja E grupe dao dobre regultate u redukciji potkožnog masnog tkiva i volumena i mase tela kod dece. Najbolje rezultate dao je u pogledu mehanizma za strukturiranje kretanja. Deca iz K1 grupe, takoe su redukovala potkožno masno tkivo i volumen i masu tela, ali u pogledu motoričkih sposobnosti nije bilo pomaka u mehanizmu za strukturiranje kretanja. Kod dece u K2 grupi došlo je do povećanja potkožnog masnog tkiva, volumena i mase tela kao i pada pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti. U sve tri grupe izolovana su dva hipotetska morfološka faktora koje je bolje interpretirati kao jedan Faktor mekog tkiva, i dva motorička koji se mogu interpretirati kao Generalni motorički Paktor. Kvalitativne promene u strukturi oba ekstrahovana faktora uočene su samo u K1 grupi u motoričkom prostoru, što je posledica diferenciranog programa figičkog vežbanja. Regultati su ukagali da redovan program figičkog vaspitanja u predškolskim ustanovama nije dovoljan za pripremnu predškolsku grupu, kao i da se dodatnim programiranim figičkim vežbanjem postižu bolji rezultati pogotovo ako je usmeren ka razvoju biotičkih motoričkih znanja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted with the aim of applying experimental methods scientifically determine whether an additional six-month program of physical exercise in normal conditions of preschool institution may result in significant changes in the morphological characteristics and motor abilities in preschool children with mean age 6.21 ± 0.56 decimal years. A total of 211 children from that of girls (n=103) and boys (n=108) who were in the moment of research (01. September 2014) participants were preschool groups in preschool institution "Čukarica" in Belgrade. According to the criteria of application of the six-month physical exercise participants were divided into three homogeneous groups: experimental (E) which consisted of 36 boys and 28 girls, the first control (K1) made up of 31 boys and 37 girls, and another control group (K2) as made of 41 boys and 38 girls. E group had additional program concept which was based on the contents of higher complexity, implemented as physical education, which is focused on the development of biotic motor skills. K1 group also had additional or differentiated program, focused as the training sequence, for boys extracurricular- acyclic activities, and for girls estheticconventional activities. While K2 group in addition to the regular activities of physical education was not subjected to any form of additional physical exercise. It was used a quasi-experimental research designs, namely The draft with unequivalent groups and pretest-posttest. Morphological sample of measuring instruments was made through a reduced model (Viskić, 1972; Kurelić et al., 1975), taken from the research (Bala 1980). The motor measuring instruments derived also from the reduced theoretical model (Kurelić et al., 1975; Gredelj et al., 1975), taken from the research (Bala, & Popovic 2007). The research results indicate that the program is additional physical exercise group E gave good results in the reduction of subcutaneous fat volume and body mass in children. The best results in terms of mechanisms for structuring movements. Children from the K1 group, also reduce the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the volume and mass of the body, but in terms of motor skills were no developments in the mechanism for structuring movements. Children the K2 group there was an increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue volume and body mass as well as the decline of some motor skills. In all three groups were isolated two hypothetical morphological factors that is better interpreted as a Factor of soft tissue, and two motor that can be interpreted as General motor factor. Qualitative changes in the structure of the two extracted factors were observed only in the K1 group in the motor area, which is the result of a differentiated program of physical exercise. The results have shown that regular physical education curriculum in preschool institutions is insufficient for the preparatory preschool group, as well as to further programmed physical exercise leads to better results especially if it is directed at the development of biotic motor skills.en
dc.languagesr (latin script)
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитањаsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Новом Садуsr
dc.subjectefekat figičkog vežbanjasr
dc.subjectpredškolska decasr
dc.subjectmotoričke sposobnostisr
dc.subjectmotor abilitiesen
dc.subjectpreschool childrenen
dc.subjectthe effect of physical exerciseen
dc.titleUticaj dodatnog programa fizičkog vežbanja na morfološki i motorički status predškolske decesr
dc.title.alternativeThe impact of additional program of physical exercise on morphological and motor status of preschool childrenen

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