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Morphological study of the pygidial glands and analysis of the chemical composition of the secretions of selected ground beetle species (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae)

dc.contributor.advisorĆurčić, Srećko
dc.contributor.otherPerić-Mataruga, Vesna
dc.contributor.otherVujisić, Ljubodrag
dc.contributor.otherĆurčić, Srećko
dc.creatorVesović, Nikola R.
dc.description.abstractKao odgovor na terestrični način života, zglavkari, a naročito insekti, su razvili niz adaptacija koje su omogućile najpre opstanak, a potom i kolonizaciju gotovo svih ekoloških niša u novoj sredini. Insekti su ekstremno diverzifikovana grupa organizama zahvaljujući svakako i činjenici da poseduju veliki biohemijski potencijal. Sekreti koje produkuju insekti imaju najrazličitije namene: u pitanju su iritanti i/ili repelenti protiv predatora, otrovi za imobilizaciju i ubijanje plena, feromoni, itd. Svi pomenuti hemijski produkti, sa ulogom u intra- i interspecijskim interakcijama su najčešće sekundarni metaboliti, tj. produkti poreklom od jedinjenja koja učestvuju u primarnim biohemijskim procesima nastalim različitim hemijskim transformacijama. Veliki asortiman antipredatorske odbrane trčuljaka podrazumeva morfološke, ponašajne i biohemijske strategije. Hemijska odbrana je izuzetno efikasna kod adultnih trčuljaka i podrazumeva izbacivanje produkata pigidijalnih žlezda u vidu odbrambenih sekreta. Pigidijalne žlezde kao parne dorzalne invaginacije telesnog zida u posteriornom delu abdomena su univerzalno prisutne kod Carabidae i ostalih pripadnika nadporodice Caraboidea. Svaka žlezda se sastoji od agregacije sferičnih ili manje-više izduženih sekretornih lobusa (acinusa), u kojima su sekretorne ćelije raspoređene oko centralnog (aksijalnog) sabirnog lumena. Sekreti se dalje sprovode dugim, glavnim sabirnim kanalom do rezervoara za skladištenje. Zidovi rezervoara su obloženi glatkom muskulaturom i promenljive su debljine. Rezervoar se sužava u cilindričnu cev (eferentni kanal), koja se otvara u spoljašnju sredinu. Komponente sekreta detektovane hemijskim analizama moguće je grupisati u deset glavnih kategorija: (1) hinoni, (2) aldehidi, (3) alkoholi, (4) estri, (5) fenoli, (6) karboksilne kiseline, (7) ketoni, (8) monoterpeni, (9) nitrili i (10) ugljovodonici. Ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije usmereni su na dopunjavanje i proširivanje znanja o građi egzokrinih pigidijalnih žlezda i hemijskom sastavu njihovih sekreta kod trčuljaka. U ovoj studiji su analizirane adultne jedinke 27 vrsta trčuljaka iz 13 rodova i pet potporodica sakupljene na teritorijama Srbije i Crne Gore...sr
dc.description.abstractIn response to the terrestrial lifestyle, arthropods (especially insects) developed a series of adaptations that firstly enabled the survival, and then the colonization of almost all ecological niches in the new environment. Insects are an extremely diversified group also due to the fact that they have a great biochemical potential. Secretions produced by insects have a variety of uses: irritants and/or repellents against predators, immobilization and killing of pray, pheromones, etc. All of the mentioned chemical products with the role in intra- and interspecfic interactions are usually secondary metabolites, i.e., products originated from compounds that participate in primary biochemical processes by different chemical transformations. A large assortment of antipredator defense of ground beetles involves morphological, behavioral and biochemical strategies. An extremely effective way of defending against predators in adult beetles is via chemicals which are discharged as pygidial gland products in the form of defense secretions. Pygidial defensive glands are dorsal body wall invaginations in the posterior part of the abdomen, and are universally present in Carabidae and other members of the Caraboidea superfamily. Each gland consists of an aggregation of spherical or more or less elongate secretory lobes (acini), in which secretory cells are arranged around the central (axial) collecting lumen. Secretions are further transported by a long main collecting canal to a storage reservoir. The reservoir walls are coated with smooth muscles of variable thicknesses. The reservoirs are continuing into cylindrical tubes (efferent ducts) which open into the environment. Chemical components of the pygidial secretions in Carabidae can be grouped into ten main categories: (1) quinones, (2) aldehydes, (3) alcohols, (4) esters, (5) phenols, (6) carboxylic acids, (7) ketones, (8) monoterpenes, (9) nitriles, and (10) hydrocarbons. The goals of this doctoral dissertation are focused on complementing and expanding knowledge on the morphological structure of exocrine pygidial glands and the chemical composition of their secretions in ground beetles...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Биолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173038/RS//
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectmorphology and anatomyen
dc.subjectpygidial glandsen
dc.subjectallomonal secretionsen
dc.subjectmorfologija i anatomijasr
dc.subjectpigidijalne žlezdesr
dc.subjectalomonski sekretisr
dc.titleMorfološka studija pigidijalnih žlezda i analiza hemijskog sastava njihovih sekreta kod odabranih vrsta trčuljaka (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae)sr
dc.title.alternativeMorphological study of the pygidial glands and analysis of the chemical composition of the secretions of selected ground beetle species (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae)en

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