Prikaz osnovnih podataka o disertaciji

The importance of ultrasonography in the detection of neoagiogenesis in adnexal mases

dc.contributor.advisorNikolić, Branka
dc.contributor.otherRakić, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherPažin, Vladimir
dc.contributor.otherIlić, Đorđe
dc.creatorMaglić, Rastko K.
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja je određivanje specifičnosti i senzitivnost transvaginalnog ultrasonografskog pregleda, 3D multislice pregleda i color dopplera u diferencijaciji adneksalnih tumorskih masa. Procena je obavljena na osnovu merenja indeksa otpora (Ri) u krvnim sudovima na periferiji tumora ili u tumoru ukoliko su prisutni, (solidna komponenta) indexa otpora (Ri) obe jajničke arterije i indexa otpora obostrane uterine arterije. Određena je specifičnost i senzitivnost ove tehnike uz poređenje nalaza sa operativnim i patohistološkim nalazom. Ispitane su serumske vrednosti tumor markera CA125 i HE4 da bi utvrdili njihov značaj u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi adneksalnih masa. Na osnovu urađenih ultrasonografskih transvaginalnih, color doppler i 3D analiza formirana je osnova dopunjenog algoritna, na osnovi IOTA jednostavnih pravila sa kojim se na jednostavan način može napraviti diferencijacija adneksalnih tumorskih masa CILJ RADA: • Odrediti senzitivnost i specifičnost transvaginalne ultrasonografske detekcije neoangiogeneze u dijagnostici adneksalnog nalaza. • Ispitati značaj uključivanja vrednosti serumskih tumor markera u određivanju prediktivne vrednosti ultrazvučnog nalaza u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi adnexalnih masa. • Formiranje algoritma za dijagnostiku adneksalnih tumora na osnovu IOTA algoritma jednostavnih pravila, transvaginalnog mapiranja angiogeneze putem 3D color dopler ultrazvuka i analize ultrazvučne slike i vrednosti serumskih tumor markera. METODOLOGIJA: Ispitivanje sprovedeno kao studija preseka, koja je uključila sve pacijetnkinje koje ispunjavanju kriterijum za uključivanje u studiju a operisane su u klinici GAK „Narodni front“, u periodu od 1.8.2014. do 1.5.2016. godine. Istraživanje je odobreno od etičke komisije Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i etičkog odbora Klinike GAK “Narodni Front”. Svim pacijentkinjama je dato detaljno i precizno usmeno i pismeno objašnjenje o cilju i značaju ispitivanja i planiranim dijagnostičkim postupcima i lečenju. Potvrdile su svoju saglasnost za dobrovoljno učestvovanje u istraživanju. Od analitičkih metoda korišteni su Hi kvadrat test za procenu značajnosti razlike multivariacione analize varijanse (MANOVA), neparametarska jednofazna ANOVA i Krusskal-Wallisov
dc.description.abstractThe object of this research is to establish the sensitivity and specificity of the transvaginal ultrasound exam, 3D multislice analysis and color Doppler investigation in the differentiation of adnexal mases. The evaluation was done by measuring Resistance indexes (Ri) in blood vessels on the surface of the adnexal tumors or inside the solid adnexal mases if present and resistance indexes in the ovarian and uterine artery of the ipsilateral side. The specificity and sensitivity of the technique was established comparing the results with operative histology. Serum values of tumor marker CA125 and HE4 were examined in these patients to establish their correlation, or lack of it, with differential diagnosis of adnexal mases. Based upon the transvaginal ultrasound examination and 2D and 3D neovascularization analysis, a basis for an improved IOTA simple rules algorithm was formed. This provides the future researcher with an easily reproducible tool for the differentiation of adnexal tumor mases. THE GOALS: • To establish the sensitivity and specificity of transvaginal ultrasonography in the detection of neoangiogenesis in adnexal mases. • To investigate the benefits of possible inclusion of serum tumor markers values (Ca 125 and HE4) in establishing the predictive value of the ultrasound examination of • To establish an improved IOTA simple rules algorithm adding transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound 2D and 3D angiogenesis mapping and flow analysis to improve the predictive value in differentiating adnexal mases. METHODS: The research was conducted as a cross section study, including all patients fulfilling the study inclusion criteria, and admitted for treatment in the Gyn and Obs University Clinic „Narodni front“, between 1.8.2014. until 1.5.2016. The study was approved by the ethics board of the Medical faculty of the University of Belgrade and the ethics board of the Gyn and Obs University Clinic „Narodni front“. All patients were given a detailed written explanation of the study and answered all questions involving the details of the study, treatment, procedures and surgeries involved. All of them knowingly agreed to voluntarily take art in the study. Statistical data was analysed using Hi square test to evaluate the significance of difference in multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), single phase non-parametrical analysis ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Медицински факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectadneksalne masesr
dc.subjectadnexal masesen
dc.subjectIOTA jednostavna pravilasr
dc.subjectultrasound resistance indexen
dc.subjectIOTA simple rulesen
dc.titleZnačaj ultrasonografije u detekciji neoangiogeneze adneksalnih masasr
dc.title.alternativeThe importance of ultrasonography in the detection of neoagiogenesis in adnexal masesen

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