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Managing the impacts of urbanization and transport modes on the environment quality

dc.contributor.advisorBojović, Nebojša J.
dc.contributor.otherPetrović, Marijana T.
dc.contributor.otherStamenković, Dušan S.
dc.creatorPetrović, Nikola S.
dc.description.abstractSaobraćaj predstavlja jedan od najvećih emitenata štetnih supstanci koji utiče na kvalitet vazduha. Svaki vid saobraćaja ostvaruje različit promet putnika i robe. Istovremeno, svaki vid putničkog i teretnog saobraćaja ima diferenciran negativan uticaj na kvalitet životne sredine i kvalitet vazduha. Urbanizacija je doprinela povećanju prometa putnika i robe, a na taj način i većoj degradaciji životne sredine i vazduha. Neravnomeran privredni rast i razvoj vidova saobraćaja u Evropskoj Uniji imaju različiti negativan uticaj na kvalitet životne sredine i kvalitet vazduha pri čemu se kao najveći emitenti polutanata izdvajaju razvijene države. Zbog toga se u Evropskoj Uniji dugi niz godina ulažu posebni napori za kreiranje i primenu strategija koje imaju za cilj poboljšanje kvaliteta životne sredine. Ispitivanje validnosti Kuznetsove ekološke krive je od velike važnosti zato što može doprineti unapređenju postojećih i kreiranju novih strategija održivog saobraćaja u razvijenim i državama u tranziciji. Iako se poslednjih godina posebna pažnja posvećuje analizi Kuznetsove ekološke krive pri čemu se polazi od različitih država i regiona, kao i od različitih pokazatelja, osnovni problem koji se navodi u literaturi a odnosi se na ovu analizu predstavlja problem izbora pokazatelja kvaliteta vazduha. Radi prevazilaženja ovog problema razvijen je dvofazni model za kvantifikovanje uticaja indikatora kvaliteta vazduha u posmatranom vremenskom periodu koji predstavlja univerzalnu platformu za upravljanje različitim urbanim, saobraćajnim i ekonomskim pokazateljima i njihovim međusobnim uticajima na zagađenje vazduha. Iskorišćena je prednost veštačkih neuronskih mreža u obradi kompleksnih, veoma nelinearnih, brojnih i različitih podataka u razumnom vremenskom roku. Kao ulazne promenljive korišćeni su predstavnici grupa urbanih, ekonomskih i transportnih promenljivih dok su kao izlazne promenljive posmatrane emisije polutanata koje emituje saobraćaj. U prvoj fazi modela se određuju ekstremne vrednosti uticaja ulaznih na izlazne promenljive država Evropske Unije za vremenski period od 2000. do 2014. godine, primenom metodologije veštačkih neuronskih mreža, kako bi se izvršila selekcija ulaznih promenljivih. U drugoj fazi modela, polazeći od izabranih promenljivih se primenjuje klaster analiza država Evropske Unije radi ispitivanja zakonitosti Kuznetsove ekološke krive. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata pokazano je da se sprega između metodologije veštačkih neuronskih mreža, klaster analize i zakonitosti Kuznetsove krive može koristiti za ispitivanje uticaja široko dostupnih urbanih, ekonomskih i transportnih indikatora na različite indikatore kvaliteta životne sredine...sr
dc.description.abstractTransport is one of the largest emitters of harmful substances that affects on air quality. Every mode of transport produces different turnover of passengers and goods. At the same time, every mode of passenger and freight traffic has a differentiated negative impact on the environmental quality and the air quality. Urbanization has contributed to the increase in passengers and goods traffic, and in this way also to greater degradation of the environment and air. Uneven economic growth and the development of traffic in the European Union have a different negative impact on the environmental quality and the air quality, with the major emitters of pollutants being distinguished by the developed countries. For this reason, in the European Union for many years has been making special efforts for the creation and implementation of strategies aimed at improving the quality of the environment. Testing the validity Kuznets environmental curve is of great importance because it can contribute to the improvement of existing and creation of new strategies for sustainable transport in developed countries and countries in transition. Although in recent years special attention has been devoted to the analysis of Kuznets environmental curve, starting with different countries and regions, as well as from different indicators, the main problem mentioned in the literature related to this analysis is the problem of selecting air quality indicators. In order to overcome this problem, a two-phase model for quantifying the impact of air quality indicators over a period of time has been developed, which represents a universal platform for managing a variety of urban, traffic and economic indicators and their mutual influence on air pollution. Utilized the advantage of artificial neural networks in the processing of complex, very non-linear, numerous and different data in a reasonable timeframe. The representatives of the groups of urban, economic and transport variables are used as input variables, while emissions of pollutants from transport are observed as output variables. In the first phase of the model, the extreme values of the impact of inputs on the output variables of the European Union for the period from 2000 to 2014 are determined using the methodology of artificial neural networks in order to perform the selection of input variables. In the second phase of the model, starting from the selected variables, a cluster analysis of European Union countries is used to test the validity of Kuznets environmental curve. Based on the obtained results it has been shown that the link between the methodology of artificial neural networks, the cluster analysis and the Kuznets environmental curve can be used to examine the impact of widely available urban, economic and transport indicators on different environmental quality indicators...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Саобраћајни факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectKuznetsova ekološka krivasr
dc.subjectKuznets environment curveen
dc.subjectveštačke neuronske mrežesr
dc.subjectkvalitet vazduhasr
dc.subjectvidovi saobraćajasr
dc.subjectvišekriterijumska analizasr
dc.subjectartificial neural networksen
dc.subjectair qualityen
dc.subjecttransport modesen
dc.subjectmulti-criteria analysisen
dc.titleUpravljanje uticajima urbanizacije i vidova saobraćaja na kvalitet životne sredinesr
dc.title.alternativeManaging the impacts of urbanization and transport modes on the environment qualityen

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