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dc.contributor.advisorBošković, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherĐorić-Francuski, Biljana
dc.contributor.otherBubanja, Nikola
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Časlav
dc.creatorStojanović, Jelena Z.
dc.description.abstractDoktorska disertacija (De)komponovanje tela u postmodernističkoj književnosti bavi se problematizacijom pojma tela u posmtodernističkoj književnosti tumačenjem dela Hanifa Kurejšija i Milorada Pavića. Uporedna analiza ovih dela koja se u datoj doktorskoj disertaciji sprovodi ima za cilj da utvrdi način na koji društvo formira i utiče na sliku tela kao i na samo telo ‒ telo individue, telo zajednice, telo teksta, telo znanja kao i nebrojena druga tela koja uporedo egzisitraju. Doktorska disertacija prati razvoj i promenu pojma tela kroz istoriju analizirajući načine na koji je ovaj pojam uticao na društvo i individue koje mu pripadaju. Analiza pojma tela, kao i teorija koje se istim bave, pokazuje da je ovaj pojam od suštinske važnosti za formiranje i uspostavljanje etike koja uređuje život ne samo društva već i svakog pojedinca ponaosob. Analiza ideje tela kao krucijalne instance oko koje se društvena etika konstituiše sastoji se od nekoliko segmenata. Prvi segment proučava pojam tela i način njegovog tumačenja i doživljavanja u zajednicama koje su postojale pre pojave patrijarhata. Drugi segment proučava promenu razumevanja pojma tela koja nastaje u vremenu koje je usledilo koncentrišući se posebno na vreme antičkih civilizacija. Treći segment proučava načine putem kojih se slika tela konstituiše i prezentuje u hrišćanstvu, dok poslednji segment proučava moderno doba. Zaključci do kojih se pritom dolazi ukazuju na to da se slika tela, kao i etika u vezi sa telom nastala u vremenu antike ne menja značajno u vremenu koje je usledilo, i da se ta etika, u neznatno izmenjenom obliku, proteže sve do današnjice. Analiza pojma tela kroz vekove koja je sprovedena u doktorskoj disertaciji ukazuje na to da tumačenje i interpretacija pojma tela zapravo vodi analizi i tumačenju ne samo određenog tipa zajednice već i društva u celini. Veliku ulogu u uređenju zajednice i društva uopšte imaju normativne prakse koje propisuju standarde u vezi sa telom. Razumeti te normativne prakse kao i načine putem kojih deluju na telo izjednačava se, stoga, sa razumevanjem društva, države, kosmosa, jer telo je jedan mikrokosmos, država za sebe. Te normativne prakse, koje deluju kao glavne sile za uređenje etike tela ne oblikuju samo telo, već i um svake individue, a posledično i društvo u celini, što analiza dela oba autora potvrđuje. Autori postmodernizma, što se uočava analizom dela Hanifa Kurejšija i Milorada Pavića u trećem delu teze, dekomponuju, rastavljaju i iznova sastavljaju nova tela, dovodeći u pitanje i sam princip društvenog uređenja, dovodeći u pitanje institucije na kojima društvo počiva, dovodeći u pitanje naše poznavanje prošlosti, istoriju i znanje kakvo poznajemo. Na posletku, disertacija se bavi i problematikom ispisivanja, konstituisanja i osvajanja tela kako od strane društva, tako i od strane svake individue ponaosob. Tela koja su obeležena društvenim konvencijama, tela koja su zaposednuta od strane društva, u delima oba autora bivaju ponovo osvojena a samim tim i ponovo ispisana od strane individua koje su u potrazi za smislom. Analizom opusa pisaca čija su dela obuhvaćena disertacijom dolazi se do zaključka da autor teksta može da postane i autor tela, odnosno, stvaralac teksta postaje i stvaralac tela.sr
dc.description.abstractDissertation by the title of (De)composition of the body in the literature of postmodernism studies the concept of the body in the literature of postmodernism by interpreting the works of Milorad Pavić and Hanif Kureishi. Comparative analysis of these works conducted in this dissertation aims at determining the ways in which society creates and influences the body image and the body itself ‒ the body of an individual, the body of a community, the body of a text, the body of a knowledge and as well as countless number of bodies which exist in parallel. This dissertation tracks the development and change of the concept of the body throughout history by analyzing the ways in which this concept has affected the society and its members. The analysis of the concept of the body as well as the theories which study it show that this notion is of key importance for the constitution and establishment of ethics which organizes not only the life of society, but also the life of its each and every individual. The analysis of the idea of the body as the crucial instance around which the ethics of the society is constituted consists of several segments. First segment studies the concept of the body and the ways in which it was interpreted and experienced in the communities which existed before the appearance of patriarchate. The second segment studies the shift in understanding of the concept of the body which occurred in the times that followed concentrating particularly on the period of antic society. The thirds segment studies the ways in which body image is constituted and presented in Christianity, whereas the final segment studies contemporary society. This analysis leads to concluisons that the image of the body, as well as the ethics concerning the body which originated in the antic society remains more or less intact in the times that followed stretching up to present moment. The analysis of the concept of the body conducted it this dissertation indicates that studding and interpretation of the concept of the body results in analysis not only of a certain type of a community but of a society as a whole. 8 Normative pracices which define standards for the body play significant part in the organization of a community and society in general. To understand those normative practices as well as the ways in which they influence the body means to understand society, state, cosmos, for each body is a microcosms, a state to itself. Those normative practices which act as main forces in constructing the ethics in question shape not just the body but also the mind of each individual, and consequently shape the whole society, as we can see in the works of both authors. The authors of literature of postmodernism, as we conclude by analyzing the works of Hanif Kureishi and Milorad Pavić in the third part of the dissertation, decompose, disassemble and reassemble new bodies, challenging the very principle of social order, questioning the institutions on which society rests, questioning оur knowledge of the past, questioning history and questioning the knowledge itself. Finally, the dissertation adresses the question of writing, constituting and conquering of the body both by society and by each individual. In the works of both authors we come across bodies that are marked by social conventions, bodies that are possessed by society. Those bodies are re-conquered and re-written by individuals who are in search for a meaning. By analyzing the works of authors in question, we come to a conclusion that the author of a text can become an author of the body, that is, the creator of the text can becomes the creator of the body.en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Крагујевцу, Филолошко-уметнички факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Крагујевцуsr
dc.subjectslika telasr
dc.subjectbody imageen
dc.title(De)komponovanje tela u postmodernističkoj književnostisr

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