NASTAVNO-NAUĈNOM VEĆU STOMATOLOŠKOG FAKULTETA UNIVERZITETA U BEOGRADU Nastavno - nauĉno veće Stomatološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, na sednici odrţanoj 14.10.2014. godine, imenovalo je Komisiju za ocenu i odbranu završene doktorske disertacije dr Jovane Milutinović pod nazivom „PROMENE STRUKTURA MEKIH TKIVA LICA NAKON ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE MALOKLUZIJE II KLASE“. Komisija u sastavu: Doc. dr Angelina Nikodijević - Latinović - Stomatološki fakultet, Klinika za ortopediju vilica, Univerzitet u Beogradu; Doc. dr Ţeljko Milosavljević - Stomatološki fakultet, Klinika za ortopediju vilica, Univerzitet u Beogradu; Prof. dr Predrag Vuĉinić - Medicinski fakultet, Klinika za stomatologiju, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Posle razmatranja priloţenog materijala, podnosi sledeći IZVEŠTAJ Dr Jovana Milutinović je roĊena 23.09.1980. godine u Beogradu. Stomatološki fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu, upisala je školske 1999/2000. godine, a diplomirala je 18.04.2005. godine sa proseĉnom ocenom 9,21. Pripravniĉki staţ je obavila na klinikama Stomatološkog fakulteta, nakon ĉega je 31.05.2006. godine poloţila struĉni ispit za doktora stomatologije. Magistarske studije iz nauĉne oblasti Ortopedija vilica, upisala je školske 2005/2006. godine i poloţila sve ispite predviĊene planom i programom magistarskih studija, sa proseĉnom ocenom 10. Tokom magistarskih studija, od februara 2006. do decembra 2008. godine na Klinici za ortopediju vilica uĉestvovala je u izvoĊenju praktiĉne nastave za studente IV i V godine osnovnih studija i obavljala volonterski kliniĉki rad sa pacijentima na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Beogradu. Za vreme magistarskih studija bila je stipendista Ministarstva nauke i tehnološkog razvoja na projektu iz oblasti parodontalne medicine „Primena koncepta aktivne regeneracije u parodontologiji i implantologiji“ (broj projekta 145042), na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Beogradu. 25.12.2008. godine odbranila je magistarsku tezu pod nazivom „Pouzdanost facijalnih proporcija u proceni estetike lica“. Ĉlan je Ortodontskog udruţenja Srbije i Srpskog lekarskog društva. Dr Jovana Milutinović je autor i koautor 10 radova u nauĉnim i struĉnim ĉasopisima i nauĉnim skupovima, od kojih je jedan rad štampan u meĊunarodnom nauĉnom ĉasopisu (M21), dva u domaćem struĉnom ĉasopisu (M52), šest saopštenja na meĊunarodnim nauĉnim i struĉnim skupovima (M34), dva studentska rada, od kojih je na jednom bila komentor. Nastavno - nauĉno veće Stomatološkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu je 2010. godine prihvatilo predlog teme, a 2013. godine odredilo mentora doc. dr Nenada Nedeljkovića za izradu ove doktorske disertacije. Doktorska disertacija dr Jovane Milutinović izloţena je na 205 strana, rasporeĊenih u 8 poglavlja: Uvod, Pregled literature, Ciljevi istraţivanja, Materijal i metod, Rezultati, Diskusija, Zakljuĉci, Literatura. Tekst je dokumentovan sa 13 fotografija, 77 tabela i 43 grafikona. U Uvodu i Pregledu literature predstavljeni su i obrazloţeni razlozi za sprovoĊenje ovog istraţivanja. Ukazano je na ĉinjenicu da savremena ortodoncija ne predstavlja samo naĉin ispravljanja nepravilnosti zagriţaja i dobijanja lepog osmeha, već kao indirektan faktor utiĉe na podizanje kvaliteta ţivota. Kao rezultat toga, specijalisti medicine zaduţeni za regiju lica primećuju porast zahteva za tretmanima uglavnom zasnovanim na estetskim principima. MeĊutim, sama ĉinjenica da se ortodontskom terapijom mogu izmeniti meke strukture lica, stavlja ortodonte u nezavidan poloţaj: koliko se zaista izgled pacijenta moţe promeniti nakon završene terapije, i da li su te promene vidljive u oĉima posmatraĉa, bez obzira na njihovu kliniĉku signifikantnost. Pregled dosadašnje literature opisuje da malokluzije II klase veoma narušavaju facijalnu harmoniju i menjaju izgled pacijenta na gore. Ova vrsta malokluzija predstavlja najĉešću u ortodontskim klinikama širom sveta, dostiţući udeo od 55% svih malokluzija. Malokluzije II klase, 1. odeljenja utiĉu na promenu izgleda nosa, usana, brade, taĉnije celog donjeg sprata lica. Smatra se da usled narušavanja izgleda donjeg sprata lica, dolazi do velike diskrepance i u odnosu ovog dela lica sa srednjim i gornjim spratom lica, što indirektno utiĉe na izgled celog lica, i to delova koji su udaljeni od ortodontskog problema, tj. postojeće malokluzije. Literatura pokazuje da postoji nekoliko naĉina za leĉenje ove vrste malokluzije. Terapija se moţe podeliti na terapiju funkcionalnim aparatima - pokretnim ili fiksnim (u zavisnosti od uzrasta pacijenata u kom se zapoĉne terapija moţemo govoriti o modifikaciji i usmeravanju dentofacijalnog rasta), zatim fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima najĉešće u kombinaciji sa ekstrakcijom zuba u gornjoj ili obe vilice (takozvana kamuflaţna terapija), i kombinovanom ortodontskom i hirurškom terapijom u najekstremnijim sluĉajevima. Svaka od navedenih vrsta terapije ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Glavni razlog aktuelnosti problema je izazov ortodonta da ostvari estetske ciljeve upravo zbog toga što oni ĉesto predstavljaju neobjektivne i nemerljive zahteve pacijenata predvoĊene uglavnom subjektivnom ocenom lepote ili nametnutih društvenih standarda forsiranih od strane okoline i medija. Terapija malokluzija II klase uz pomoć funkcionalnih ili fiksnih aparata će, u razliĉitoj meri, doprineti da promena skeletnih parametara direktno utiĉe na promenu poloţaja struktura mekih tkiva. Pri tome, ne govorimo samo o promeni poloţaja zuba, gornje i donje usne, na ĉiji poloţaj direktno utiĉemo manje ili više izborom ma kog aparata, fiksnog ili funkcionalnog, već govorimo i o promeni izgleda celog profila i struktura koje se nalaze van viliĉnog sprata lica. Pri merenju skeletnih i mekotkivnih parametara, posebna paţnja se poklanja merenju na profilnim snimcima glave. Pored toga, poslednjih nekoliko decenija, istraţivanja ove vrste obuhvataju i neizostavnu fotogrametriju, tj. merenja mekotkivnih parametara na fotografijama anfasa i profila pacijenata. Za sveukupnu analizu skeletnih i mekotkivnih struktura i njihovih odnosa neophodno je analizirati fotografije anfasa i profila pacijenta. Spominjući ukratko istorijat ortodoncije, moţe se jasno uoĉiti stalna potreba za pronalaţenjem adekvatnog izbora terapije u raznovrsnim izazovima koje pruţaju dentoalveolarne anomalije, sa posebnim akcentom na nedoumicu da li pristupiti ekstrakciji zuba ili pokušati neku alternativnu metodu koja iskljuĉuje ekstrakciju zuba. Postavljanje zuba prema postojećim prihvaćenim kefalometrijskim kriterijumima ne mora pod obavezno, a najĉešće i neće, podrazumevati da će meka tkiva koja prekrivaju koštane strukture, idealno i harmoniĉno pratiti njihova pomeranja. Literaturni podaci dokumentuju da je individualnost pacijenata prisutna kako u ortodontskoj anomaliji, izraţenoj u vidu dentoalveolarne i/ili skeletne vrste, tako i u izgledu lica, odnosno rasporedu, veliĉini i meĊusobnom odnosu facijalnih entiteta. Svemu ovome treba pokloniti podjednaku paţnju; naime, problemu identiĉne ortodontske anomalije će se kod dva pacijenta moţda sasvim drugaĉije pristupiti usled razliĉitog izgleda lica i sledstvenih neţeljenih promena na istom. Odluka o ekstrakciji zuba mora biti potkrepljena harmonijom i facijalnim balansom nakon završene ortodontske terapije. Posebno se obraĊuju podaci iz literature koji se odnose na formu i sklad lica koji su direktno povezani sa idealnim proporcijama. MeĊutim, danas je diskutabilno da li se pribliţavanjem idealnim proporcijama sledstveno menja i percepcija lepote lica. Pre svega, facijalne proporcije se posmatraju zdruţeno, dakle podjednako su vaţni svi spratovi lica, gornja i srednja trećina, na koje ortodontska terapija nema uticaja. Ipak, donja trećina lica je ono što se nesumnjivo menja nakon ortodontske terapije, i sam odnos sa nepromenjenom srednjom i gornjom trećinom lica je bitan u pribliţavanju nekim propisanim, idealnim vrednostima. TakoĊe, u literaturi se pominje da upravo donja trećina lica najviše odstupa od idealnih proporcija kod malokluzija II klase. Ĉak i nakon velike promene, procenjeno bilo kliniĉkim nalazom, bilo reakcijama okoline, nije uvek izvesno da su se dostigli idealni parametri, i obrnuto, nakon postizanja onoga što zlatna proporcija predstavlja, taj rezultat ne mora biti u saglasnosti sa pozitivnim reakcijama okoline i znaĉajnom kliniĉkom promenom. Naime, iako ortodontska terapija deluje u sve tri ravni prostora, izgled profila pacijenata je ono što je dokazano najprimetnije promenjeno, i na šta se fokusira paţnja ortodonta tokom terapije, a poslediĉno dolazi svakako do, blage i diskutabilne promene izgleda anfasa na bolje. Dakle, uspeh ortodontskog tretmana je blisko povezan sa poboljšanjem pacijentovog izgleda, koji podrazumeva izgled mekotkivnog profila. Na osnovu pregleda literature postavljeni su Ciljevi istraživanja. Na prvom mestu je uporeĊivanje koštanih i mekotkivnih promena pre i posle terapije kod pacijenata leĉenih fiksnim funkcionalnim aparatom bez ekstrakcije, i pacijenata leĉenih terapijom kamuflaţe uz ekstrakciju premolara, merenih na profilnim telerendgenskim snimcima. Potom, ispitivanje koliko je odstupanje vrednosti parametara od idealnih proporcija, posebno u donjoj trećini lica koji su mereni na fotografijama obe grupe pacijenata, te kod kojih angularnih parametara mekotkivnog profila dolazi do najvećih promena i koliko se novonastale vrednosti parametara pribliţavaju idealnim vrednostima u obe grupe pacijenata. U razrešavanju postavljenih zadataka, autor je obavila obimna istraţivanja ĉiju metodologiju obrazlaţe u ĉetvrtom poglavlju, Materijal i metod. Istraţivanje obuhvata dve grupe pacijenata, 25 pacijenata leĉenih ekstrakcionom terapijom, i 25 pacijenata leĉenih neekstrakcionom terapijom, uz pomoć fiksnih funkcionalnih aparata. Grupa pacijenata leĉenih ekstrakcionom metodom terapije, podeljena je na dve podgrupe, u zavisnosti da li su kod pacijenata izvaĊena dva ili ĉetiri premolara. Prvi deo istraţivanja predstavlja merenje skeletnih parametara (parametri baze lobanje, parametri sagitalnog poloţaja, odnosa i razvijenosti gornje i donje vilice, parametri vertikalnog poloţaja i odnosa gornje i donje vilice, parametri rasta i rotacije vilica i lica, parametri poloţaja zuba (molara i sekutića)), i mekotkivnih parametara na profilnim telerendgenskim snimcima, pre i posle terapije kod obe grupe pacijenata. Drugi deo studije predstavljalo je merenje linearnih parametara (horizontalne trećine lica, vertikalne petine lica, duţine facijalnih entiteta i proporcije linearnih parametara) i njihovo poreĊenje sa idealnim proporcijama lica, kao i angularnih parametara na fotografijama anfasa i profila obe grupe pacijenata pre i posle terapije. U trećem delu studije uporeĊivani su rezultati promena svih skeletnih i mekotkivnih parametara merenih na telerendgenskim snimcima pre i posle terapije dve grupe pacijenata. Angularni parametri mekotkivnog profila mereni na fotografijama pacijenata uporeĊivani su kod obe grupe pacijenata, dok parametri anfasa i njihovo pribliţavanje idealnim proporcijama nisu uporeĊivani izmeĊu dve grupe pacijenata, zato što je jako teško kvantifikovati lepotu i porediti je u smislu numeriĉkih parametara. Statistiĉka analiza vršena je pomoću kompjuterskog programa IBM SPSS 21. Svi Rezultati istraţivanja su sistematiĉno prikazani pomoću tabela i grafikona i jasno prikazuju prethodno tekstualno objašnjene elemente. Dobijeni rezultati izdvojeni su i sistematizovani po grupama, posebno za parametre merene na profilnom telerendgenskom snimku, skeletne i mekotkivne, a posebno za parametre anfasa i profila merene na fotografijama pacijenata. Mereni parametri su uporeĊivani pre i posle završene terapije unutar grupa, kao i izmeĊu dve grupe pacijenata, odnosno dva naĉina leĉenja. Autor u Diskusiji tumaĉi dobijene rezultate i vrši poreĊenje izmeĊu dva razliĉita naĉina terapije malokluzija II klase, i sledstvene promene izgleda pacijenata. Komentarisani su dobijeni rezultati istraţivanja i pruţena odgovarajuća objašnjenja dobijenih rezultata. TakoĊe, vršena su uporeĊivanja rezultata izmeĊu samih grupa kao i sa rezultatima objavljenim u literaturi. Podaci kojima se kandidat sluţi u diskusiji su uverljivi, aktuelni i kritiĉki odabrani. Poziva se, i sa sopstvenim rezultatima analizira i poredi, veći broj radova koji govore u prilog dobijenih rezultata, ali i na one ĉiji su rezultati u suprotnosti sa dobijenim rezultatima. Kandidat dobijene rezultate jasno tumaĉi i uz analizu literaturnih podataka izvlaĉi pravilne zakljuĉke. Zaključci istraţivanja su jasno formulisani i pruţaju odgovore na postavljene ciljeve. Na osnovu prezentovanih rezultata istraţivanja posebno se izdvajaju zakljuĉci da je došlo je do korekcija meĊuviliĉnih odnosa u sagitalnom pravcu i dentoalveolarnih nepravilnosti malokluzije II klase, 1. odeljenja kod obe ispitivane grupe. TakoĊe, autor dolazi do zakljuĉka da, nakon završene ortodontske terapije, vrednosti antropometrijskih parametara u donjoj trećini lica se pribliţavaju idealnim vrednostima, u obe grupe pacijenata, odnosno da dolazi do promena u smislu poboljšanja facijalne estetike i poloţaja usana i brade U poslednjem poglavlju doktorske disertacije (Literatura) navode se 212 citirana referentna bibliografska navoda sa brojnim rezultatima domaćih i inostranih istraţivanja bitnih za prouĉavanu tematiku. Na osnovu svega navedenog, komisija donosi sledeći ZAKLJUČAK I PREDLOG Doktorska disertacija predstavlja dobro dokumentovanu studiju koja poredi dva razliĉita metoda terapije malokluzija II klase, 1. odeljenja i prikazuje promene koje nastaju na mekotkivnim strukturama lica pacijenata nakon završene ortodontske terapije. Kompleksnost teme ove doktorske disertacije i dobijeni rezultati upućuju na ozbiljnost i zrelost kandidata u pristupu prouĉavanja ove problematike. Uvidom u dostavljeni tekst, komisija je jednoglasno ocenila da doktorska disertacija dr Jovane Milutinović pod nazivom „PROMENE STRUKTURA MEKIH TKIVA LICA NAKON ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE MALOKLUZIJE II KLASE“ predstavlja samostalno, originalno i dobro dokumentovano istraţivanje. Doktorska disertacija zadovoljava sve kriterijume propisane Zakonom o Univerzitetu i statutima Univerziteta i Stomatološkog fakulteta u Beogradu. Na osnovu iznetog predlaţemo Nastavno - nauĉnom veću Stomatološkog fakulteta da prihvati i oceni kao podobnu za javnu odbranu doktorsku disertaciju dr Jovane Milutinović. U Beogradu, __________ Ĉlanovi komisije: Doc. dr Angelina Nikodijević - Latinović Stomatološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu _____________________________________ Doc. dr Ţeljko Milosavljević Stomatološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu _____________________________________ Prof. dr Predrag Vuĉinić Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu _____________________________________ Na osnovu člana 49. Statuta Stomatološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Nastavno naučno veće Stomatološkog fakulteta, na III redovnoj sednici u školskoj 2014/15. godini, održanoj 11.02.2015. godine, donelo je sledeću O D L U K U Usvaja se pozitivan izveštaj Komisije za ocenu završene doktorske disertacije dr Jovane Milutinović, pod nazivom „PROMENE STRUKTURA MEKIH TKIVA LICA NAKON ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE MALOKLUZIJE II KLASE“. Imenovani/a će javno braniti doktorsku disertaciju, ukoliko dobije pozitivno mišljenje Veća naučnih oblasti medicinskih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu, pred komisijom u sastavu: 1. doc. dr Angeline Nikodijević Latinović 2. doc. dr Željko Milosavljević 3. prof. dr Predrag Vučinić, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu. O b r a z l o ž e nj e Veće naučnih oblasti medicinskih nauka, na sednici od 27.05.2010. godine, dalo je saglasnost na predlog teme doktorske disertacije dr Jovane Milutinović, pod nazivom „PROMENE STRUKTURA MEKIH TKIVA LICA NAKON ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE MALOKLUZIJE II KLASE“. Imenovani/a je u časopisu „The Scientific World Journal“, objavio/la rad pod nazivom: „Evaluation of facial beauty using anthropometric proportions“ (2013.) Imajući u vidu napred navedeno, Nastavno naučno veće Stomatološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, rešilo je kao u dispozitivu. Odluku dostaviti: Imenovanom/oj, Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Odseku za nastavu, Veću, Komisiji (3) i Pisarnici. Referent kadrovskog odseka Violeta Rastović Dekan Stomatološkog fakulteta Prof. dr Miroslav Vukadinović Research Article Evaluation of Facial Beauty Using Anthropometric Proportions Jovana Milutinovic,1 Ksenija Zelic,2 and Nenad Nedeljkovic1 1 Jovana Milutinovic, Nenad Nedeljkovic, Clinic of Orthodontics, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 2 Ksenija Zelic, Laboratory for Anthropology, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Correspondence should be addressed to Nenad Nedeljkovic; Received 27 November 2013; Accepted 19 December 2013; Published 20 February 2014 Academic Editors: R. G. Palma-Dibb and K. H. Zawawi Copyright © 2014 Jovana Milutinovic et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The improvement of a patient’s facial appearance is one of the main goals of contemporary orthodontic treatment. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the difference in facial proportions between attractive and anonymous females in order to establish objective facial features which are widely considered as beautiful. The study included two groups: first group consisted of 83 Caucasian female subjects between 22 and 28 years of age who were selected from the population of students at the University of Belgrade, and the second group included 24 attractive celebrity Caucasian females. The en face facial photographs were taken in natural head position (NHP). Numerous parameters were recorded on these photographs, in order to establish facial symmetry and correlation with the ideal set of proportions. This study showed significant difference between anonymous and attractive females. Attractive females showed smaller face in general and uniformity of the facial thirds and fifths, and most of the facial parameters meet the criteria of the ideal proportions. 1. Introduction Specialists in charge of the facial region are noticing a growing demand for the treatment mainly based on aesthetic prin- ciples. As a result, orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons should have a great understanding for quantitative, objective facial features, which are widely considered as attractive and beautiful [1, 2]. Recently, many linear and angular measures of soft tissue profile and variety of cephalometric analyses were developed to determine ideal proportions [1–4]. When it comes to making a positive first impression, having an aesthetically pleasing face, including an attractive smile, ranks first among all factors. Today’s society is overwhelmed with the importance of being attractive through a variety of media. That fact brings facial standards together with the perception of beauty associated with a sense of social acceptance [5–9]. It was shown in the results of many studies that confidence is closely related to physical appearance [10–12]. Today’s most common reason for seeking orthodon- tic treatment is enhancement of facial beauty through orthodontic and orthognathic procedures. Unlike the 1980, when 25% of patients required orthodontic treatment for aesthetic reasons, today this percentage has risen to over 75%, which means that 3 out of 4 patients specifically request an improvement of facial appearance [13]. Beauty is not an exact science but according to some plastic surgeons there is a specific proportion system that includes facial height, width, and symmetry. However, the definition of an attractive and beautiful face is subjective, with many included factors—social, cultural, ethnic, and age [10]. The beauty of the person’s face is determined by the har- mony of proportions and symmetry [12]. Ideal proportions are directly related to the so-called divine proportions and the most important value in relation to these proportions is 1 : 1.618 [11–18]. The knowledge of divine proportion exists since ancient Greek sculptor Phidias, and it was firstly scientifically described by Filius Bonacci, discoverer of the numerical value of the divine proportions [19]. More relevant to the dental profession as well as the medical profession (such as plastic surgeons) are the divine proportions of the human face. Hindawi Publishing Corporation e Scientific World Journal Volume 2014, Article ID 428250, 8 pages 2 The Scientific World Journal Tr Ln Me LC sto Me 1.618 1.618 1.0 1.0 (a) 1.618 1.0 2/3 1/3 (b) Figure 1: Lengths of the face and set of ideal proportions. This particularly applies to the orthodontic treatment given that the objectives to be achieved at the end of the treatment are not only functional stability, but also facial esthetic improvement [20]. The aimof our paperwas to try to establish objective facial features which are widely considered as beautiful. Therefore, specific aims of this paper were the following: (1) to compare the facial proportions of two groups of females (anonymous and attractive) in order to establish the difference between them, (2) to determine the deviation from the values of ideal proportions (ratio 1 : 1.618) in both groups, (3) to compare the difference between facial parameters representing facial height and width in both groups. 2. Methods The study comprised two groups. First group consisted of 83 female subjects between 22 and 28 years of age who were selected from the population of medical and dental students at the University of Belgrade, and the second group included 24 attractive celebrity females (popular models and actresses). Celebrities whose photos were used in this study were mostly models and actresses whose facial beauty was studied closely by the experts in the field of plastic surgery, and among them are those who were named as most beautiful and most proportional faces by the beauty and fashion magazines (such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and New Woman). The en face facial photographs were taken in natural head position (NHP), using camera Canon Power Shot G6, 7.1MP, with the same distance of 1.2m. After training and calibration, all measurements on photographs were performed by the first author (Jovana Milutinovic). In order to test the feasibility and reproducibility of the measurements, 12 photographs (10% from each group) were selected and reassessed by the same author, two months after the initial assessment. Therefore, to evaluate intra-observer agreement, Cohen’s Kappa test was applied following the instructions by Landis and Koch [21]. The soft tissue points used for obtaining linear distances which were measured are shown in Table 1. In the photographs, the following parameters were mea- sured: (1) lengths of the face (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)): (i) (Tr-Me): height of the face, (ii) (lchk r-lchk l): width of the face, (iii) (Me-sto): the lowest point on the chin and the point where the upper and lower lip merge, (iv) (sto-LC): the point where the upper and lower lip merge and corner of the eye, The Scientific World Journal 3 Table 1: Soft tissue points. Point Clarification Trichion (Tr) The beginning of the forehead when one lifts the eyebrow Glabella (Gl) The most prominent point of the forehead at the superior aspect of the eyebrows Subnasale (subN) Point in the midsagittal plane where the nasal septum merges into the upper lip Menton (Me) The most inferior point on the soft tissue chin Stomion (sto) Midpoint of the intralabial fissure Postaurale (pa) The most posterior point on the helix (outer rim of the ear) Exocanthion (ex) Most lateral point of the palpebral fissure at the outer canthus of the eye Endocanthion (en) Most medial point of the palpebral fissure at the inner canthus of the eye Cheilion (ch) Corner of the mouth Lateral canthus (LC) Lateral canthus of the eye Lateral nose (Ln) Lateral side of the nose Lateral cheek (lchk) Lateral border of the cheeks (v) (Me-Ln): the lowest point on the chin and the outer edge of the nostril, (vi) (Ln-Tr): the outer edge of the nostril and highest point of the forehead; (2) division of the face: (a) the horizontal thirds of the face (Figure 2): (1) upper third: Tr-Gl, (2) middle third: Gl-subN, (3) lower third: subN-Me; (b) vertical fifths of the face (Figure 3) (1) pa r-ex r, (2) ex r-en r, (3) en r-en l, (4) en l-ex l, (5) ex l-pa l; (3) the ideal proportions: after marking and connecting points needed to obtain adequate lengths, measured parameters were compared with the ideal set of proportions (1 : 1.618): (i) the ratio lchk r-lchk l : Tr-Me is expected to be 1 : 1.618 (Figure 1(b)), (ii) the ratio sto-Me : sto-LC is expected to be 1 : 1.618 (Figure 1(a)), (iii) the ratio Me-Ln : Ln-Tr is expected to be 1 : 1.618 (Figure 1(a)), (iv) the ratio subN-sto : subN-Me should be 1 : 3 [19], lower facial third index, that could also be shown in percentage (30 : 70%) [22] (Fig- ure 1(b)). For each and every parameter the ratio between them was used, so that the actual length of the measured parameters was of no importance. Tr Gl SubN Me Upper floor Middle floor Lower floor Figure 2: Division of the face into horizontal thirds. 3. Statistical Analysis Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows, version 15. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied in order to test whether the data distribution fits probability density function also known as Gaussian function or bell curve. Subsequently, if test had not rejected the assumed normal distribution, the parametric tests would have been used. For testing the differences in all parameter values between groups, independent sample 𝑡-test was used. For analyzing the similarity of vertical thirds and horizontal fifths of the face, in each group one-way ANOVA test was applied and in cases where ANOVA showed statistically significant 4 The Scientific World Journal Table 2: Length parameters of the face for attractive and anonymous females. Group Mean (mm) Std. dev. Std. error mean 𝑡-test Trichion-glabella Anonymous females 47.4759 6.90568 0.75800 0.144 Attractive females 43.7500 11.57302 2.36233 Glabella-subnasale Anonymous females 44.6506 6.77366 0.74351 0.010 Attractive females 38.1458 10.97772 2.24082 Subnasale-menton Anonymous females 49.6084 6.59039 0.72339 0.001 Attractive females 42.5625 8.78402 1.79303 Subnasale-stomion Anonymous females 17.2169 2.47573 0.27175 0.001 Attractive females 14.2708 3.69776 0.75480 Menton-stomion Anonymous females 32.4398 4.58816 0.50362 0.002 Attractive females 28.3333 5.43472 1.10936 Stomion-lateral canthus Anonymous females 50.8735 7.18393 0.78854 0.071 Attractive females 45.9375 12.26635 2.50386 Menton-lateral nose Anonymous females 57.3675 7.92229 0.86958 0.001 Attractive females 48.6250 10.33067 2.10874 Lateral nose-trichion Anonymous females 84.3554 11.91293 1.30761 0.056 Attractive females 75.7500 20.16292 4.11574 Lateral nose-lateral nose Anonymous females 28.2048 3.79830 0.41692 0.006 Attractive females 23.9792 6.68789 1.36516 Cheilion-cheilion Anonymous females 38.5241 4.89145 0.53691 0.174 Attractive females 35.8125 9.14237 1.86618 Lateral canthus-lateral canthus Anonymous females 72.7952 9.30547 1.02141 0.065 Attractive females 66.1250 16.25894 3.31884 Lateral cheek-lateral cheek Anonymous females 97.0120 11.25209 1.23508 0.132 Attractive females 90.2083 20.56533 4.19788 Trichion-menton Anonymous females 141.7229 18.82530 2.06634 0.013 Attractive females 124.4583 30.17086 6.15860 pa r ex r en r en l ex l pa l Figure 3: Division of the face into vertical fifths. difference between parameters post hoc Bonferroni test for multiple comparison was applied. To compare differences between ideal proportions and obtained proportions of the facial parameters, the authors applied paired samples 𝑡-test which analyzed the both values in each subject according to the concept where every particular value has its own paired “control” value. In all analyses, the significance level was set at 0.05. 4. Results The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed normality of distri- bution of the obtained data in both groups. The Kappa coefficient ranged from 0.715 to 0.899 which is considered to be substantial to almost perfect agreement [21]. The mean measurement values representing length parameters of the face for both groups are shown in Table 2 as well as the differences between two groups. Almost all parameters were significantly smaller in the group of attractive females. Tables 3(a) and 3(b) show the divisions of the face into horizontal thirds and vertical fifths for both groups. One-way ANOVA showed difference between horizontal thirds and between vertical fifths in the group of anonymous females, The Scientific World Journal 5 Table 3: (a) Division of the face into horizontal thirds. (b) Division of the face into vertical fifths. (a) Horizontal thirds Mean Std. dev. ANOVA Post hoc multiple comparison Bonferroni test Sig. Anonymous females 1 47.4759 6.90568 1 versus 2 5.60417 0.162 2 44.6506 6.77366 0.000 1 versus 3 1.18750 0.919 3 49.6084 6.59039 2 versus 1 5.60417 0.162 2 versus 3 4.41667 0.319 Attractive females 1 43.75 11.57302 2 38.1458 10.97772 0.158 3 42.5625 8.78402 1: trichion-glabella, 2: glabella-subnasale, and 3: subnasale-menton. (b) Vertical fifths Mean (mm) Std. dev. ANOVA Post hoc multiple comparison Bonferroni test Sig. Anonymous females 1 16.9096 2.58884 1 versus 2 7.21687∗ 0.000 1 versus 3 7.07229∗ 0.000 1 versus 4 7.36145∗ 0.000 1 versus 5 −1.21084 0.114 2 24.1265 3.37841 2 versus 1 7.21687∗ 0.000 2 versus 3 0.14458 0.998 2 versus 4 −0.14458 0.998 2 versus 5 6.00602∗ 0.000 3 23.9819 3.52296 0.000 3 versus 1 7.07229∗ 0.000 3 versus 2 −0.14458 0.998 3 versus 4 −0.28916 0.978 3 versus 5 5.86145∗ 0.000 4 24.2711 3.38243 4 versus 1 7.36145∗ 0.000 4 versus 2 0.14458 0.998 4 versus 3 0.28916 0.978 4 versus 5 6.15060∗ 0.000 5 18.1205 3.20403 5 versus 1 −1.21084 0.114 5 versus 2 6.00602∗ 0.000 5 versus 3 5.86145∗ 0.000 5 versus 4 6.15060∗ 0.000 Attractive females 1 21.7083 4.94737 2 22.5833 5.66965 3 21.3125 5.43302 0.947 4 22.1208 5.63938 5 22.0833 5.58271 1: postaurale right-exocanthion right, 2: exocanthion right-endocanthion right, 3: endocanthion right-endocanthion left, 4: endocanthion left-exocanthion left, and 5: exocanthion left-postaurale left. ∗Statistical significance. 6 The Scientific World Journal Table 4: The differences between ideal proportions and obtained proportions of the facial parameters. Paired differences between measured and ideal values Paired samples 𝑡-test Group Mean (mm) Std. dev. Sig. Subnasale-stomion Attractive females 0.087 1.332 0.751 Anonymous females 0.685 1.253 0.000 Stomion-lateral canthus Attractive females 0.100 6.549 0.941 Anonymous females −1.597 4.655 0.003 Lateral nose-trichion Attractive females −2.929 9.031 0.126 Anonymous females −8.466 7.995 0.000 Lateral canthus-lateral canthus Attractive females 3.358 3.953 0.000 Anonymous females −1.041 4.390 0.034 Cheilion-cheilion Attractive females −2.983 3.353 0.000 Anonymous females −7.112 3.192 0.000 Trichion-menton Attractive females −21.500 7.251 0.000 Anonymous females −15.237 6.669 0.000 while in the attractive females group facial thirds and fifths were equal, with no statistical difference. Using multiple comparison test in the group of anony- mous females (Tables 3(a) and 3(b)), distance postaurale- exocanthion (pa-ex), or the most lateral fifth of the face presented by the earlobe section of the face, was found to be significantly smaller than medial three vertical fifths of the face. However, 1st and 5th vertical fifths were not signif- icantly different one from another. Likewise, the significant difference for themiddle third in comparisonwith the 1st and 3rd thirds of the face was found in the group of anonymous females as it was also significantly smaller. There was no significant difference between 1st and 3rd thirds. Parameters representing division of the lower third of the face into two lengths, upper distance from the point subnasale to stomion, or the thickness of the upper lip, and lower distance from the point stomion and menton, which are supposed to be in relation 1/3 : 2/3, satisfied this criterion in the group of attractive females but not in the group of anonymous females. Table 4 refers to the comparison of the differences between ideal proportions and obtained proportions of the facial parameters. To compare these values, the authors applied paired samples 𝑡-test. All analyzed parameters were found to be statistically different from the ratio 1 : 1.618 in the group of anonymous females. However, in the group of attractive females, three out of six parameters (subN-sto, sto- LC, and Ln-Tr) correspond to ideal ratio. 5. Discussion The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the difference in facial proportions between attractive and anonymous Caucasian females. Comprehension and analysis of facial parameters are necessary in different fields of medicine and dentistry, espe- cially among specialists like plastic surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, and prosthodontists [23, 24]. Keeping that in mind, there is a need for clinicians who work in a maxillofacial region to understand and become familiarwith guidelines for esthetic standards andparameters of the soft tissue [22, 25, 26]. Bashour [10] found that there are four most impor- tant cues determining attractiveness: averageness, sexual dimorphism, youthfulness, and symmetry. He pointed out that a surgeon who is planning facial cosmetic, plastic, or reconstructive surgery can potentially gain both profound comprehension and better quality surgical results by appre- ciating these findings. Division of the face into thirds and fifths is commonly used photogrammetricmethod for assessing facial symmetry. In our study, all of these measures were uniform in the group of attractive females. In 2009, Sforza et al. examined the difference between two groups of women, 24 attractive ones with 71 “normal” (healthy reference women), and obtained similar results [6]. Attractive females had several “neonatal” characteristics, such as relatively large forehead and a rounded and smaller face in general; they stated that “babyness” is the characteristic that separates them from the normal group. In our research, attractive females also had a smaller face, considering majority of parameters of the face. Mack [27] was the first to demonstrate the practical appli- cation of ideal proportions for improving facial aesthetics. He discussed the importance of treating the dentition to the face based on the divine proportion. According to him, the lower 1/3 of the face significantly influences facial appearance. As proof, he stresses the public’s preoccupation with fullness of the lips and the importance of a pleasing smile. These so-called Vitruvian thirds [22] in the lower face have to be adjusted to a 30% upper lip, 70% lower lip-chin proportion. In our study, attractive group showed harmonized lower third of the face, with lower facial index (subnasale-stomion, stomion-menton) in accordance with this beauty cannon (30% : 70%). Therefore, this ideal ratio should be suitable in planning concept for treatment in facial region [22]. These distances and divisions in the lower third of the face are one of themost important in the evaluation of facial beauty, given The Scientific World Journal 7 the fact that the lips and the chin highly determinate female beauty [12, 28]. Women lips are very impressionable feature of the face and have a strong influence on facial beauty perception. Various studies (Bisson and Grobbelaar, 2004, Ward, 1989, Torsello et al., 2010, Mommaerts and Moerenhout, 2010, and Anic-Milosevic, 2010), in which authors analyzed the lower third of the face and the lips, stated that these are one of the five important characteristics in female facial aesthetics [29– 32]. Ferrario et al. (1995) reported that attractive women share several similar characteristics, such as increased upper facial third (forehead), smaller face, andmore voluminous (thicker) lips than nonattractive ones. In addition, it was stressed that the length of the nose was therefore smaller in attractive group. In their research, they compared 10 attractive and 40 normal women and stated that facial characteristics of attractive females showed uniformity, while facial parameters in a normal group differed from ideal proportions [24]. In the study of Hall et al. [33] it was shown that thickness of the lips was one of the main features in the beauty perception based on a poll among orthodontists and lay public. Perseo [34] stated that, in some cases, standard camera distortions in cinema images made certain female faces appear more beautiful because they are overall “shortened.” The studies of several authors have obtained the same results [35–37]. In the present investigation, the values for vertical length parameters, such as distance between points Me-ch and ch-LC as well as Me-Ln and Ln-Tr, which should be in relation determined by ideal proportions, differed in the group of anonymous female group.Therefore, faces of famous attractive females who represent contemporary canons of beauty are closer to the ideal proportions [5]. The question that always seems to intrigue scientists deal- ing with facial beauty is timelessness of the beauty principles established centuries ago. Torsello et al. (2010) found that some of the neoclassical canons can be considered still valid, while others seem to be changed over centuries. According to their research, it seems that reductions in facial medium third, in distance between eyes, and in nose dimensions have occurred as well as relative enlargement of eyes and mouth width [31]. Mommaerts and Moerenhout (2010) showed in their research that some of the ancient and neoclassical canons of beauty are still unchanged, despite the fact that some of these canons were established 2500 years ago. These guidelines considering facial beauty can be used for improving patient’s facial appearance. Clinicians must be aware that each and every person has their own beauty perception, so these results should be viewed with caution. 6. Conclusions Facial beauty and its determiners are one of themost arguable topics among surgeons, dentists, and orthodontists. They can all agree about some objective guidelines concerning facial proportions, symmetry, and ratio between specific facial parameters. However, more subjective understanding of beauty is still immeasurable and lies in the eye of beholder. This study showed significant difference between anony- mous and attractive females. Attractive females showed smaller face in general and uniformity of the facial thirds and fifths, and most of the facial parameters meet the criteria of the ideal proportions. Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Acknowledgment This study is supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 45005. References [1] S. A. Milosˇevic´, M. L. Varga, M. Sˇlaj et al., “Analysis of the soft tissue facial profile of croatians using of linear measurements,” Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 251–258, 2008. [2] S. A. Milosˇevic´, M. L. 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Fakultet STOMATOLOŠKI UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU Stručno veće za medicinske nauke Broj zahteva (naziv stručnog veća kome se zahtev upućuje , shodno čl.6 Statuta Univerziteta u Beogradu i čl. 7. st.1 ovog pravilnika) ..god. (Datum) ZAHTEV za davanje saglasnosti na izveštaj o urađenoj doktorskoj disertaciji Molimo da, shodno članu 68. st.3. Zakona o univerzitetu ("Službeni glasnik RS" br. 20/98), date saglasnost na izveštaj o urađenoj doktorskoj disertaciji kandidata MILUTINOVIĆ MILUTIN JOVANA (ime, ime jednog od roditelja i prezime) KANDIDAT MILUTINOVIĆ MILUTIN JOVANA prijavio je doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom (ime, ime jednog od roditelja i prezime) „PROMENE STRUKTURA MEKIH TKIVA LICA NAKON ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE MALOKLUZIJE II KLASE“ Univerzitet je dana 27.05.2010. svojim aktom pod br. 020-1883/35 dao saglasnost na predlog teme doktorske disertacije koja je glasila „PROMENE STRUKTURA MEKIH TKIVA LICA NAKON ORTODONTSKE TERAPIJE MALOKLUZIJE II KLASE“ Komisija za ocenu i odbranu doktorske disertacije kandidata MILUTINOVIĆ MILUTIN JOVANA (ime, ime jednog od roditelja i prezime) obrazovana je na sednici održanoj 14.10.2014 odlukom fakulteta pod br. 3/96 u sastavu: ime i prezime člana komisije: zvanje: naučna oblast: ANGELINA NIKODIJEVIĆ LATINOVIĆ DOCENT KLINIČKE STOM. NAUKE ŽELJKO MILOSAVLJEVIĆ DOCENT KLINIČKE STOM. NAUKE PREDRAG VUČINIĆ PROFESOR KLINIČKE STOM. NAUKE Nastavno-naučno veće fakulteta prihvatilo je izveštaj Komisije za ocenu i odbranu doktorske disertacije na sednici održanoj dana 11.02.2015. DEKAN FAKULTETA _____________________________ Prof. dr Miroslav Vukadinović Prilog: 1. Izveštaj komisije sa predlogom 2. Akt Nastavno-naučnog veća fakulteta o usvajanju izveštaja 3. Primedbe date u toku stavljanja izveštaja na uvid javnosti, ukoliko je takvih primedbi bilo.