UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU SAOBRAĆAJNI FAKULTET Bojana D. Mirković BALANSIRANO KORIŠĆENJE KAPACITETA I PLANIRANJE RAZVOJA ELEMENATA AERODROMA doktorska disertacija Beograd, 2013 UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE FACULTY OF TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Bojana D. Mirković AIRPORT AIRSIDE BALANCED CAPACITY USAGE AND PLANNING Doctoral Dissertation Belgrade, 2013 Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic i Mentor: Prof. dr Vojin Tošić, redovni professor (u penziji), Univezitet u Beogradu – Saobraćajni fakultet Članovi komisije: Prof. dr Obrad Babić, redovni profesor, Univezitet u Beogradu – Saobraćajni fakultet (predsednik komisije) Prof. dr S. Chan Wirasinghe, redovni profesor, Tehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Kalgariju, Kanada Dr Milan Janić, viši istraživač, Institut za Transport, Tehnički univerzitet u Delftu, Holandija; naučni savetnik, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Saobraćajni fakultet Prof. dr Milica Kalić, redovni profesor, Univezitet u Beogradu – Saobraćajni fakultet Datum odbrane: Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic ii Adviser: Dr Vojin Tošić, Professor (retired) at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia Committee: Dr Obrad Babić, Professor at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia (Chairman) Dr S. Chan Wirasinghe, Professor at Schulich - School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada Dr Milan Janic, Senior Researcher at Transport Institute, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; and Research Professor at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia Dr Milica Kalić, Professor at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia Public defense: Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic iii Zahvalnica: Zahvaljujem se svojoj porodici, mentoru, prijateljima i kolegama, i svima ostalima koji su mi pružili veliku podršku i verovali u mene, čak i kada sama nisam. Želim posebno da izdvojim one koji su mi, svesno ili nesvesno, ulili dodatnu snagu kada mi je to bilo najviše potrebno: mama i tata, Bata, Ujka, Dragana, Mihael i Jovana. Zahvalnost dugujem i odličnom radnom okruženju u mom rodnom gradu Ljigu. I na kraju, ali ne po prioritetu, zahvaljujem se svim članovima komisije na savetima, predlozima, pa i primedbama, koje su, nadam se, pozitivno uticale na kvalitet konačne verzije moje disertacije. Izrada ove disertacije je podržana od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Republike Srbije, kroz dva naučno-istraživačka projekta Instituta Saobraćajnog fakulteta: - Predlog metoda za vrednovanje razvojnih scenarija sistema vazdušnog saobraćaja u Srbiji (prevozioci, aerodromi i kontrola letenja) sa aspekta bezbednosti, efikasnosti, ekonomičnosti i uticaja na životnu sredinu (broj 15023), 2008-2011; i - Podrška održivom razvoju sistema vazdušnog saobraćaja Republike Srbije (broj TR36033), 2011-2014. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic iv Acknowledgement: I would like to thank to my family, adviser, friends and colleagues who supported me and believed in me. I owe special gratitude to several people who gave me additional strength during the toughest last couple of months: my mom and dad, Bata, Ujka, Dragana, Michael and Jovana. I also have to mention great working environment in my hometown of Ljig. Last, but not least, I am grateful for comments and suggestion provided by all the Committee members. I hope I have managed to improve the quality of the thesis by incorporating them into the final version. The thesis was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, through two projects implemented by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering: - Project TR15023, 2008-2010, Methods for Evaluation of Development Scenarios of the Air Transport System in Serbia (Airlines, Airports, ATC) – Safety, Efficiency, Economic and Environmental Aspects; and - Project TR36033, 2011-2014, A Support to Sustainable Development of the Republic of Serbia’s Air Transport System. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic v Balansirano korišćenje kapaciteta i planiranje razvoja elemenata aerodroma Rezime: U doktorskoj disertaciji je predložen postupak za analizu kapaciteta vazdušne strane aerodroma, za zadata fizička i operativna ograničenja, i zadate karakteristike potražnje. Ovaj postupak podrazumeva povezivanje (postojećeg) modela za procenu kapaciteta sistema poletno-sletnih staza sa (proširenim) modelom za procenu kapaciteta pristanišne platforme, kroz njihovu funkcionalnu vezu. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio vrednovanje i, po potrebi, modifikovanje i proširenje postojećih modela za procenu kapaciteta platforme, kao i definisanje funkcionalne veze između poletno-sletne staze i platforme za različite tipove saobraćaja. Postojeći modeli su prošireni tako da uzimaju u obzir ograničenja po tipu aviona i korisnicima (npr. aviokompanije), kao i po vrsti saobraćaja. U cilju analize osetljivosti, predlažene su obvojnice za prikazivanje kapaciteta platforme određene konfiguracije, u zavisnosti od strukture potražnje u odnosu na glavne uticajne faktore. Analiza je obuhvatila dva osnovna tipa aerodroma sa aspekta njihove uloge u mrežama vazdušnog saobraćaja, a to su: izvorno-ciljni aerodromi, sa dominantnim saobraćajem od-tačke-do-tačke, i hub aerodromi, sa dominantnim transfernim saobraćajem za koji je karakteristično da se koncentriše u talase. Dodatno su analizirani i aerodromi na kojima postoje oba tipa saobraćaja. Rezultati disertacije pokazuju da se za izvorno-ciljne aerodrome može koristiti standardni pristup prilikom analize ukupnog kapaciteta vazdušne strane aerodroma, u kome se poletno-sletna staza i pristanišna platforma posmatraju odvojeno, pri čemu manji kapacitet nameće ograničenje ukupnog kapaciteta. Sa druge strane, u slučaju hub aerodroma kapacitet platforme i kapacitet poletno-sletne staze se ne mogu posmatrati nezavisno jedan od drugog. S tim u skladu, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predložen je model za procenu kapaciteta platforme na hub aerodromima, koji pored konfiguracije platforme i strukture potražnje uzima u obzir i kapacitet poletno-sletne staze, kao i parametre koji opisuju talasnu strukturu saobraćaja. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic vi Kroz pažljivo definisane primere analizirana je razlika u kapacitetu izvorno-ciljnih i hub aerodroma pod istim uslovima, kao i razlika između teoretskog kapaciteta koji hub aerodrom može da ponudi koordinisanim letovima i iskorišćenog kapaciteta za zadatu talasnu strukturu potražnje. Takođe, kroz primere je prikazana i promena iskorišćenja raspoloživog kapaciteta na hub aerodromu ukoliko bi se dopustilo korišćenje slobodnih resursa i drugim, osim koordinisanim letovima. Dva scenarija su razmatrana: „preferentni“, u kome se dozvoljava korišćenje svih parking pozicija ostalim letovima kada ih ne koriste koordinisani letovi, i „eksluzivni“, koji podrazumeva korišćenje kontaktnih parking pozicija samo za koordinisane letove. Na posebnim primerima se analizira i uticaj promena kapaciteta poletno-sletne staze na kapacitet platforme na hub aerodromu, pod različitim uslovima, kako bi se istakle okolnosti pod kojima je ovaj uticaj jasno vidljiv, a pod kojima ostaje sakriven. Na kraju, u disertaciji se razmatra i pitanje rezervnog/latentnog kapaciteta platforme, kao potencijala da se prihvati dodatna potražnja, pre odluke o fizičkom proširenju za obezbeđenje dodatnog kapaciteta. Rezervni kapacitet se definiše u funkciji fleksibilnosti kapaciteta platforme. U disertaciji je predloženo izražavanje fleksibilnosti kapaciteta platforme, sa zadatim operativnim ograničenjima, u odnosu na apsolutno fleksibilnu platformu, koja nema operativnih ograničenja u korišćenju parking pozicija. Ključne reči: vazdušna strana aerodroma, aerodromska platforma, analitički modeli, kapacitet u uslovima zasićenja, funkcionalna veza poletno-sletna staza - platforma, izvorno-ciljni aerodrom, hub aerodrom, analiza osetljivosti Naučna oblast: Saobraćajno inženjerstvo Uža naučna oblast: Aerodromi i bezbednost vazdužne plovidbe UDK broj: Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic vii Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Abstract: The thesis proposes an approach to analyzing the capacity of the existing (built) system under given physical and operational constraints and for given demand characteristics. The approach considers the linking of the (existing) runway capacity model with the (extended) apron capacity model, through the runway-apron functional relationship. The objective of the thesis was to evaluate and, if necessary, to modify/expand the existing apron capacity estimation models, as well as to define functional relationship between the runway system and apron(s). Existing apron capacity models are modified to include constraints on both aircraft classes and users (e.g. airlines), considering also different traffic types. The thesis also suggests apron capacity envelopes to illustrate sensitivity of apron capacity to changes in the demand structure with respect to dominant users, provided for a given apron configuration. Two general airport categories with respect to the role of the airport in the air transport network are analyzed: origin-destination airports (serving primarily point-to-point flights) and hub airports (serving primarily airline/alliance coordinated flights). Furthermore, the thesis also considers the co-existence of point-to-point and coordinated flights at a single airport. The results of the thesis show that the common approach in the overall airside capacity analysis can be applied at origin-destination airports: the runway system and apron(s) can be observed independently of each other, deriving the conclusion on the overall airside capacity by comparing the two. On the other hand, the finding of the thesis is that capacities of the runway system and apron(s) at the hub airports have to be observed linked to each other. Consequently, a model to estimate apron capacity at hub airport is offered in the thesis. In addition to apron configuration and demand structure it also takes into consideration: hubbing parameters and the runway system performance. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic viii Different examples are used to analyze the following: the difference between apron capacity for origin-destination airport and hub airport, under the same conditions; the difference between the theoretical capacity hub airport can offer to coordinated flight and the utilized capacity under given wave-system structure; and utilization of the capacity at hub airports when point-to-point traffic is allowed to use idle stands (two scenarios are compared: preferential, assuming that contact stands are available to point- to-point flights between waves, and exclusive, assuming that contact stands are used only by coordinated flights). Additional examples are used to analyze the influence of the runway system performance on apron capacity at hub airports, under different conditions. The aim was to differentiate between the cases where this influence is obvious, from the other cases where it is concealed. The thesis also addresses the issue of reserve/latent apron capacity, as a potential solution for accepting additional demand prior to physical expansion. Reserve capacity is defined and discussed through apron capacity flexibility, which is expressed in this thesis relative to apron capacity of the absolutely flexible apron (with no operational constraints on stand usage). Key words: airport airside, airport apron, analytical modeling, saturation capacity, runway-apron functional relationship, origin-destination airport, hub airport, sensitivity analysis Scientific field: Transport and Traffic Engineering Specific scientific field: Airports and Air Traffic Safety UDK: Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic ix Table of contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 1 Airport elements usage with respect to different users ........................................... 4 1.1 Market segments ............................................................................................ 4 1.2 Aircraft classes .............................................................................................. 8 1.3 Airlines/alliances and flight origin/destination .............................................. 8 1.4 Impact of different user constraints on airport airside capacity .................. 13 2 Airport categorizations with respect to traffic parameters .................................... 14 2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 14 2.2 The role of airports in air transport networks .............................................. 15 2.2.1 Selected airport categorizations with respect to role of airport in the network .................................. 17 2.3 Market segments differentiation .................................................................. 18 2.4 Other considerations .................................................................................... 19 3 Airport airside capacity - definitions and factors that affect it.............................. 20 3.1 Definitions of airside capacity ..................................................................... 20 3.2 Factors that affect airside capacity .............................................................. 22 3.3 Characteristics of hub airports with implication on airport airside capacity ........................................................ 26 3.3.1 Spatial and temporal concentration at hub airports ......................... 26 3.3.2 Ideal wave ........................................................................................ 27 3.3.3 Hubbing performance ...................................................................... 29 3.3.4 Wave-system structure .................................................................... 30 3.3.5 Evolutionary phases ........................................................................ 32 3.4 Peak period .................................................................................................. 36 Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic x 4 Airport airside modeling - literature review ......................................................... 42 4.1 Airport airside capacity models for supporting planning studies ................ 42 4.2 Apron capacity modeling ............................................................................. 46 4.3 A way forward ............................................................................................. 54 5 An approach to analyzing overall airport airside capacity .................................... 55 5.1 Conceptual model ........................................................................................ 57 5.2 Apron capacity estimation module .............................................................. 59 5.3 Apron capacity representation ..................................................................... 62 5.4 Utilization factor and stand occupancy times .............................................. 70 5.5 Runway-apron functional relationship under different traffic patterns ....... 74 5.5.1 Origin-destination airports .............................................................. 75 5.5.2 Hub airports – only coordinated flights ........................................... 78 5.5.3 Hub airports – mix of coordinated and point-to-point flights ......... 91 5.5.4 The impact of runway system performance on apron capacity ..... 101 5.6 Reserve apron capacity .............................................................................. 103 5.7 Possible areas of application ...................................................................... 110 6 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 112 7 List of abbreviations ............................................................................................ 116 8 List of variables and parameters ......................................................................... 118 9 References ........................................................................................................... 123 10 Bibliography ........................................................................................................ 134 11 Appendices .......................................................................................................... 143 Appendix 1 – European air transport networks .................................................. 144 Appendix 2 – Airport categorizations accounting for hubbing ........................... 151 Appendix 3 – European seasonal airports ........................................................... 156 Appendix 4 – Minimum connecting times – examples at the world’s airports .. 158 Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic xi Appendix 5 – Indirect connectivity indices ........................................................ 159 Appendix 6 – Evolution of wave-system in 1990s: Example of Munich Airport ......................................................... 161 Appendix 7 – Selected definitions of peak hour and design day ........................ 163 Appendix 8 – Custer analysis of the world’s airports with respect to traffic parameters ................................................. 165 Appendix 9 – Models for optimizing available resources utilization ................. 168 Appendix 10 – Comparison of the analytical model and FAA graphical method ........................................................ 170 Appendix 11 – Apron with flexible layout with respect to aircraft classes ........ 173 Appendix 12 – Ideal wave with intercontinental and continental flights ........... 174 Appendix 13 – An impact of the runway system performance on apron capacity ....................................................................... 176 Appendix 14 – Apron capacity estimation tool – basic user guide ..................... 178 Appendix 15 – Stand allocation at Zurich Airport after Switzerland entry into the Schengen zone ........................ 182 12 Biography ............................................................................................................ 184 Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic xii List of Figures Figure 1. Airport users with respect to type of traffic (Mirkovic and Tosic, 2012)...... 5 Figure 2. Aprons at Munich Airport, Germany (DFS, 2004) ....................................... 6 Figure 3. Layout of the terminal complex at San Francisco Airport, United States (SFO, 2012) ............................................................................. 9 Figure 4. Layout of the terminal complex at Zurich Airport, Switzerland (ZRH, 2012a) ................................................. 10 Figure 5. Layout of the terminal complex at Munich Airport, Germany (MUC, 2013) .................................................... 11 Figure 6. Layout of the terminal complex at John F. Kennedy Airport, United States (JFK, 2012) ................................. 12 Figure 7. A wave of flights at a hub airport (Dennis, 1994) ....................................... 26 Figure 8. Ideal wave (Bootsma, 1997, cited in: Burghouwt, 2007) ............................ 27 Figure 9. Daily traffic at Milano Malpensa, Italy, 19th January 2005 (Danesi, 2006) ............................................................... 31 Figure 10. Daily traffic at London Heathrow, United Kingdom, 19th January 2005 (Danesi, 2006) ............................................................... 32 Figure 11. Type 1, O/D airport: Tunis Airport, Tunis (Kraus and Koch, 2006) ........... 33 Figure 12. Type 2, O/D airport with first hub characteristics: Johannesburg Airport, South Africa (Kraus and Koch, 2006) ................... 33 Figure 13. Type 3, long-haul hub: Doha Airport, Qatar (Kraus and Koch, 2006) ........ 34 Figure 14. Type 4, mature hub: Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, France (Kraus and Koch, 2006) ............................................................................... 35 Figure 15. Type 5, rolling (continuous) hub: Dallas Fort Worth Airport, United States (source: Kraus and Koch, 2006) ............................................ 35 Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic xiii Figure 16. An approach to identifying airport types based on traffic parameters (Oettl and Reeb, 2012) .................................... 38 Figure 17. Traffic parameters (Oettl and Reeb, 2012) .................................................. 39 Figure 18. Fill factor and relative load (Oettl and Reeb, 2012) .................................... 39 Figure 19. FAA’s graphical method for calculating gate capacity ............................... 50 Figure 20. An approach to overall airside capacity analysis ......................................... 58 Figure 21. Example of the runway capacity envelope for a single runway .................. 63 Figure 22. Apron capacity envelope in Example 1 ....................................................... 64 Figure 23. Set of apron capacity envelopes illustrating an increase in number of mixed-use stands in Example 1 ........................... 65 Figure 24. Set of apron capacity envelopes illustrating an increase in number of exclusive-use stands in Example 1 ...................... 65 Figure 25. Relevant segments of apron capacity envelopes for scenarios analyzed in Example 2 ........................................................... 69 Figure 26. Runway capacity envelope in Example 3 .................................................... 77 Figure 27. Parameters describing wave-system structure in the case of split waves (WRC≥WL) ........................................................ 79 Figure 28. Dependence of the wave length on the number of aircraft per wave and MCT, assuming runway capacity of 30 arrivals/h ................................ 80 Figure 29. Dependance of Nlos on MaxCT and MCT, assuming runway capacity of 30 arrivals/h ................................................. 82 Figure 30. Parameters describing wave-system structure in the case of overlapping waves, WRC 3000 km); − share of airline types: Home Carrier (HC), Flag Carrier (FC), Intercontinental Carrier (IC), Low Cost and Charter Carrier (LC). Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 167 Figure A8-3. Traffic parameters for selected group of European hubs (Oettl and Boeck, 2012) Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 168 Appendix 9 – Models for optimizing available resources utilization Before making huge infrastructural investments to expand their existing capacity, airports can do something to increase efficiency of capacity utilization. In the past 20 years, when it was obvious that airports were becoming the most critical area in the air transport network in terms of capacity-demand imbalance, many decision support tools for available (limited) airport resources management have been developed, tested and introduced in practice. As expected, the first tools were developed for runway system capacity management, since the major bottlenecks on the airside come from the runways. It began with AMANs (Arrival Manager-s), which were developed to support arrival sequencing in order to increase runway throughput and avoid generation of delays in peak periods (e.g. Beasley et al. (2000); Venkatakrishnan et al. (1993); one of the commercial solutions: CALM - Computer-assisted Approach and Landing Management, developed by Barco, for Zurich Airport; Barco (2004)). Then, a series of DMANs (Departure Manager-s) were developed, for sequencing departing aircraft in order to minimize waiting time and queue lengths (e.g. Anagnostakis et al. (2000); Boehme (2005); Feron et al. (1997); Hasselink and Basjes (1998); Jonge et al. (2005)). Coordination between AMANs and DMANs followed (e.g. Boehme et al. (2007)), as well as the development of SMANs (Surface Managers) (e.g. Atkins and Brinton (2002); Lowson (1997)), for surface movement optimization and TMANs (Turnaround Managers) for turnaround process optimization (one of the commercial solutions: GS Hub Control, Inform (2013)). The general tendency is to integrate all those managers into a single overall manager aimed at optimization of available resources utilization or exploitation from the viewpoint of all stakeholders throughout (Airport) Collaborative Decision Making (e.g. Guenther et al. (2006) describing the operational concept and logical architecture of TAM - Total Airport Management; Pick (2007), describing test results of CLOU - Co- operative Local resOUrce planner, at Frankfurt Airport; Pina et al. (2005), presenting research results on LEONARDO - Linking Existing on Ground, Arrival and Departure Operations, tested at Madrid Barajas Airport). Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 169 Based on the existing tools, it is clear that the optimization of airport airside utilization is mainly focused on the runway system. Not only on arrivals and departures managers, but other optimization tools (optimization of surface movements and the turnaround process) also aimed at achieving better runway system utilization. They are locally focused on certain airside elements, but, when integrated, they have a common goal function, which is runway performance improvement. There is no such optimization tool focused on improving the efficiency of apron resources (stands and gates) utilization. At least, not the ones that observes aprons as part of the airside. The majority of apron optimization tools observe the apron (precisely contact stands i.e. gates) from the perspective of the terminal complex (landside). A very common, and widely addressed, optimization problem in the area of apron utilization optimization is the gate assignment problem (optimization of gate/stand utilization). Many papers deal with this issue (some of the earliest: Babic et al. (1984), Mangoubi and Mathaisel (1985), Hamzawi (1986); and one of latest: Genc et al. (2012)). The majority of them are based on the minimization of passenger walking distances from check-in to gate and from gate to baggage claim area, as well as from gate to gate for transfer passengers. Cheng (1997); Haghani and Chen (1998); Dorndorf et al. (2007) give a thorough literature overview on research results in this area, classified by methods, goal functions, etc. These models result in aircraft stand assignment schemes considering the contact stands (gates) from the perspective of the landside. The objective is to improve and maintain a certain level of service in the terminal building. Ding et al. (2005) expand the gate assignment problem by considering over-constrained cases, where the number of aircraft exceeds the number of available gates. They address both the objectives of minimizing the number of ungated aircraft and minimizing total walking distances. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 170 Appendix 10 - Comparison of the analytical model and FAA graphical method For quick estimation of apron-gate capacity U.S. FAA has proposed graphical method (FAA, 1983). An example from AC 150/5060 is used and the results from graphical approach are compared to results from the extended analytical model. Example 6, from AC 150/5060: An apron has 10 stands allocated to three airlines, X, Y and Z. Apron X has 4 stands for small (narrow-body) aircraft and 1 stand for large (wide-body) aircraft, apron Y has 2 stands for small and 1 for large aircraft and apron Z - 2 stands for small aircraft. During an hour, airline X schedules 13 small aircraft with an average stand occupancy time (SOT) of 45min, and 2 large aircraft with an average stand occupancy time of 55min. Airline Y schedules 8 small (SOT=40min) and airline Z 4 small aircraft (SOT=35min). When the numbers of flights are expressed by the shares in total demand, as given in Table A10-1 (Column 4), extended apron capacity model provides the following results: Table A10-1. Demand structure and average stand occupancy times in Example 6 ( )31211211 ,,,min CCCCC = ⎟⎠ ⎞⎜⎝ ⎛ ⋅⋅⋅⋅ +⋅⋅⋅⋅+⋅ += 60 3515,0 2,60 403,0 12,60 5507,0 1,60 5507,04548,0 14minC ( ) haircraftC /8,118,22;15;6,15;8,11min == Apron capacity is limited by the first (of four) group of stands. The FAA’s graphical method, shown in Figure A8-1, estimates apron-gate capacity expressed in movements/h as: NSG ⋅⋅* , where: *G is the hourly gate capacity base, S is the gate size factor and N is the number of gates. number of stands user aircraft class share in population (%) avg. stand occupancy time (min) 4 1 48 45 1 2 7 55 2 1 30 40 1 2 0 0 2 airline Z 1 15 35 airline X airline Y Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 171 Figure A10- 1. FAA’s graphical method for calculating gate capacity (FAA, 1983) For the given example (Table A10-2) apron-gate hourly capacity is: 13 movements/h for apron X, 9 movements/h for apron Y and 7 movements/h for apron Z. Overall apron- gate capacity is estimated (incorrectly) as a sum of these three capacities which makes 29 movements/h. Table A10-2. Parameters derived for graphical approach in Example 6 In order to compare the results from FAA’s graphical method and analytical model, let us observe aprons X, Y and Z separately. It makes the following: For apron X: haircraftCx /5,6605513,0 1,60 5513,04587,0 5min =⎟⎠ ⎞⎜⎝ ⎛ ⋅⋅⋅⋅+⋅= Gate occupa ncy ratio Hourly capacity base Gate size No.Gates Hourly capacity N W N W N (%) W (%) N (Tn) W (Tw) (Tw/Tn) G* S N G* S N X 13 2 4 1 80 20 45 55 1,22 2,6 0,97 5 13 Y 8 0 2 1 67 33 40 0 1,00 3 1,00 3 9 Z 4 0 2 0 100 0 35 0 1,00 3,4 1,00 2 7 29 No. Gates Gate mix Average gate time capacity of the terminal: Demand Gate group Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 172 (The share of wide-body/non-wide-body aircraft if only flights of airline X are considered, is 87/13 %.) For apron Y: haircraftCy /5,460401 3 =⋅⋅= For apron Z: haircraftCz /4,360351 2 =⋅⋅= (Airline Y and Z operate all flights, 100%, with non-wide-body aircraft.) Capacities set by each apron calculated from the graphical method (expressed in movements/h) are double than values calculated analytically (expressed in aircraft/h). As a quick approximation, one can multiply the dynamic capacity of the apron by two to convert it to movements per hour, as the occupancy of a stand is associated with two movements on the runways, an arrival and a departure (De Neufville and Odoni, 2003). If this approach is applied, then the same result is obtained as by FAA’s graphical method (for each apron). Nevertheless, the final result from the graphical method leads to the wrong conclusion as it overestimates capacity of the entire apron. As discussed before, capacities of individual areas should not be summed. Each area restricts overall apron capacity to the certain level, depending on mix of users in demand. Capacity restriction set by each apron has to be calculated respecting the share of each airline in total demand (respectively 55%, 30% and 15% for airline X, Y and Z) and minimum adopted as total apron capacity. This implies that overall capacity of the apron is not: haircraftCCCC zyx / =++=++= but it should be determined as: ( ) haircraftCCCC zyx /8,118,22;15;8,11min 15,0 , 3,0 , 55,0 min ==⎟⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎛= which is the same result as obtained analytically. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 173 Appendix 11 – Apron with flexible layout with respect to aircraft classes For estimating capacity of the apron with flexible contact stands area, in the first step several typical (most often) layout configurations have to be defined, e.g. I, II and III. Capacity is calculated for each of them individually (like they are separate aprons). ( ) ⎟⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎛== ' ' minmin ji ij ij I ijI t N CC ij ( ) ⎟⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎛== '' '' minmin ji ij ij II ijII t N CC ij ( ) ⎟⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜⎝ ⎛== ''' ''' minmin ji ij ij III ijIII t N CC ij Apron capacity is maximum capacity provided by different apron configurations: ( )IIIIII CCCC ,,max= It is the one which to a highest degree matches to demand structure with respect to aircraft classes. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 174 Appendix 12 – Ideal wave with intercontinental and continental flights The ideal wave accounting for both intercontinental and continental flights is given in Figure A12-1 (Bootsma, 1997; cited in: Burghouwt (2007)). Figure A12-1. Ideal wave involving both continental and intercontinental connections (Bootsma, 1997, cited in: Burghouwt, 2007) Where: C – represents the wave center, Tc – the maximum acceptable connecting time for continental connections, Ti/c – the maximum acceptable connecting time involving intercontinental connections, Mc – the minimum connecting time for continental connections, and Mi/c – the minimum connecting time involving intercontinental connections. The same wave is given in Figure A12-2, in the form used in the thesis. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 175 Figure A12-2. Ideal wave involving both continental and intercontinental connections In this case we have: A t MCTMaxCTN CC CICC los ⋅ −=+ 2 / A t MaxCTMaxCTN CIC IC los −= IC los ICCC loslos NNN += + / }{ losca NNN ,min /= STTATSOT += CC tw C MCTARRTAT += ICCICC tw CIC MCTARRTAT += + // CIC tw IC MaxCTARRTAT += 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 IC IC/C C C IC/C IC MCTC MCTIC MaxCTC MaxCTIC Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 176 Appendix 13 – An impact of the runway system performance on apron capacity Example 7 assumes the minimum separation between all aircraft classes on approach is 6Nm, and the minimum separation between all departing aircraft is 120sec. The apron is of the same structure as in Example 3 - 22 contact stands (of which 12 for aircraft class 2, and 10 for aircraft class 3) and 8 remote stands (of which 5 for aircraft class 1, and 3 for aircraft class 2). Hubbing parameters are the same as in Example 3a - WRC is 180min; MCT is 30min and MaxCT is 150min. The demand structure is the same as given in Table 9 (Table A13-1). A modified O/D example is used to be comparable to hub with mix of coordinated and other (point-to- point) flights. Table A13-1. Demand structure for Example 7 Runway capacity decreases to 21 arrivals/h, 41 operations/h (alternating arrivals and departures) and 30 departures/h. The impact of runway performance on apron capacities is shown in Figure A13-1. The blue and red lines represent runway capacity (arrivals/h) in mix mode, for Example 3 and Example 7 respectively. In Example 3 airside capacity is limited by the runway capacity for the O/D airport, and by apron capacity for hub airport (all cases). In Example 7 airside capacity is limited by the runway capacity for all airport types. In the case of an O/D airport, apron capacity remains the same regardless of runway capacity; the consequent mismatch between the two is higher in Example 7 (40 vs. 21 arrivals/h) than in Example 3 (40 vs. 33 arrivals/h). flight type aircraft class HUB pure HUB exclusive/ preferential O/D 1 0,2 0,08 0 2 0,6 0,24 0 3 0,2 0,08 0 1 0 0,36 0,44 2 0 0,24 0,48 3 0 0 0,08 coordinated other Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 177 Figure A13-1. Apron capacity sensitivity to runway system performance, comparison of Example 3 and Example 7 At hub airports, the influence of runway capacity on apron capacity can be seen in all cases (except the case of exclusive use). In Example 7, Nlos (20 aircraft) becomes more constraining than static apron capacity (Na/c=22 aircraft). Also, apron capacity at the hub airport changes. As it can be seen in Figure A13-1, theoretical and utilized capacity of the hub airport serving only coordinated flights is somewhat lower. The impact of the decrease in the runway performance on apron capacity can also be seen for hub airports serving mixed coordinated and point-to-point traffic in the preferential use case. There, it is constrained by the (utilized) capacity of the group of stand for coordinated flights. In the exclusive use case, the influence of the runway performance is not visible since apron capacity is limited by the capacity of the group of stands for other flights/aircraft class 2. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 O/D ‐ all Static  capacity LOS  capacity HUB ‐ theoretical HUB ‐ utilized MIX ‐ exclusive MIX ‐ preferential ap ro n  ca pa ci ty  (a ir cr af t/ h) Example 3 Examle 7 Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 178 Appendix 14 – Apron capacity estimation tool – basic user guide An apron capacity estimation tool was developed as a supplementary material to this thesis. It is available at: http://apron.comze.com/ (login password: bojana). The tool offers apron capacity estimation for origin-destination (O/D) airports and for hub airports. It contains the following input data: 1. Number of airport users, 2. Number of aircraft types, 3. Total number of contact and remote stands, 4. Hubbing parameters: arrival only runway capacity, departure only runway capacity, arrival runway capacity that allows one departure between two arrivals, minimum connecting time, maximum acceptable connecting time, and wave repeat cycle, 5. Number of contact stands by user and aircraft class, 6. Number of remote stands by aircraft class, 7. Rules on contact stands use, 8. Rules on remote stands use, 9. Turnaround time by user and aircraft class, 10. Separation time by user, 11. Demand structure by user and aircraft class, 12. Coordinated/other flights share – derived from 11, only for hub case. Inputs 4 and 12 apply only for hub airports. All other inputs are common for O/D and hub airports. For O/D airports the tool delivers the following outputs: 1. Apron capacity of contact stands only, and 2. Apron capacity of all stands (contact + remote). For HUB airports it delivers the following outputs: 1. Maximum number of aircraft in a wave, and 2. Apron capacity. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 179 Figure A14-1. Apron capacity estimation tool - input data For O/D airports output 1 and output 2 provide information about gate capacity and additional capacity when remote stands are engaged, respectively. Output 2 is useful for airports with significant variations in daily, weekly and yearly traffic, where remote stands may be used to deal with traffic overflow. When analyzing additional capacity provided by remote stands the user should carefully define the rules on stand usage in order to catch desired relations. For example, remote stands should be assigned as additional resources only to one user in the exclusive use case, while in the preferential or common use cases remote stands can be allowed for various users that share contact stands at the same time. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 180 Figure A14-2. Apron capacity estimation tool - output for O/D airports For hub airport cases, the assumption is that coordinated flights use contact stands (in order to facilitate transfers more efficiently), while other flights do not have their own contact stands, i.e. number of contact stands for other flights should be set as zero. Other flights use remote stands only, in the exclusive use case. In addition to remote stands, other flights also use contact stands of coordinated flights in the preferential use case. For hub airports output 1 provides information on the maximum number of coordinated aircraft that can be scheduled within a wave. It takes into consideration static apron capacity and constraints imposed by the level of service in passengers’ transfer and runway system performance (given in hubbing parameters input). Output 2 delivers apron capacity for pure hub (all flights are coordinated) and for hub with mixed coordinated and other (non-coordinated) flights in demand. The difference between exclusive use and preferential use cases is controlled by the rules on contact stands use. For the preferential use case, there is also the possibility of analyzing apron capacity when coordinated flights use additional remote stands. This is not applicable in the exclusive use case. Figure A14-3. Apron capacity estimation tool - output for hub airports Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 181 In order to obtain capacity estimates for different airport types with respect to the nature of traffic at the airport, it is necessary to define properly stand occupancy times: 1. For O/D airports the turnaround times matrix should be filled in with different values depending on the user and aircraft class. The appropriate separation time depending on the user should be entered in the separation time’s matrix. 2. For HUB airport fields for coordinated flights in the turnaround times matrix are automatically filled in by ARRtw+MCT (derived from the maximum number of aircraft is calculated), while fields for other flights should be filled in with different values depending on the user and aircraft class. The appropriate separation time should be entered in the separation time’s matrix. When calculating apron capacity the tool recognizes when to use WRC (filled in the hubbing parameters input set), and when SOT (determined as ARRtw+MCT+ST), depending on the case modeled (exclusive or preferential). The tool delivers apron hourly saturation capacity, which is “divided” between users accounting for their share in total demand. For hub airports, the tool also provides apron capacity per WRC, which gives a better picture of the system performance than hourly capacity, in this case. Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 182 Appendix 15 – Stand allocation at Zurich Airport after Switzerland entry into the Schengen zone54 Figure A15-1. Schengen user concept at Zurich Airport, Switzerland - final concept plan (ZRH, 2008) Figure A15-2. Schengen user concept at Zurich Airport, Switzerland - transition period (ZRH, 2008) 54 Provided through the courtesy of Operations Planning, Planning and Engineering, Zurich Airport pier E pier A pier B busgates A busgates B busgates D Non- Schengen Schengen A01-10 Swiss long-haul 1 Swiss long-haul 2 Swiss short- /medium 1 Swiss short- /medium 2 Swiss mix-rotations Star Alliance long-haul var. airlines long-haul Star Alliance short- /medium 1 Star Alliance short- /medium 3 var. airlines short- /medium- long-haul B01-10 B22-29 var. airlines short- /medium A50 overflow pier and busgates Star Alliance short- /medium 2 Star Alliance short- /medium 2 Star Alliance short- /medium 1 var. airlines short- /medium var. Airlines short- /medium- long-haul Mix- Rotations Swiss short- /medium 3 Swiss short- /medium. 1 Star Alliance short- /medium 3 Swiss short- /medium 2 Swiss short- /medium 3 var. airlines mix-rotations var. airlines mix-rotations overflow pier and busgates var. airlines short- /medium B22-29 pier E pier A busgates A busgates B Non- Schengen Schengen A01-10 Swiss long-haul Swiss short- /medium 1 Star Alliance long-haul var. airlines long-haul Star Alliance short- /medium 1 Star Alliance short- /medium 2 B01-10 A50 overflow pier A and Busgate B Star Alliance short- /medium 1 Mix- Rotations Swiss short- /medium. 2 Swiss short- /medium 1 Star Alliance short- /medium 2 Swiss Mix-Rot. var. airlines short- /medium Swiss short- /medium 2 var. airlines short- /medium overflow long-haul var. airlines mix-rotations var. airlines short- /medium 1var. Airlines short- /medium 2 Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 183 Figure A15-3. Schengen user concept at Zurich Airport, Switzerland - final concept (ZRH, 2012b) Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning Bojana Mirkovic 184 12 Biography Bojana Mirković was born in G. Milanovac, 28.07.1980. She finished primary and secondary school in Ljig. She graduated from Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in 2005 and obtained her Master degree in 2008, both from the Department of Air Transport and Traffic. The research topic for her PhD was accepted by the University of Belgrade in December 2010. She has been employed at Department of Air Transport and Traffic since December 2005, as a teaching and research assistant. During eight years of her teaching experience she has been engaged in labs for all undergraduate courses at the Division of Airports Traffic Safety and the Airports 3 course of the Master’s studies. She has interned at three European airports: Tenerife Sur, Spain (2004), Munich Airport, Germany (2005) and Zurich Airport, Switzerland (2008); and attended ten certified aviation courses/seminars/workshops, one of which she has organized. She has taken part in 12 science and professional projects. She is the coauthor of two textbooks, one practicum and 12 published and/or presented papers. Her fields of interest are airports - design, planning and operations; and air traffic analysis, modeling and forecasting. lzjava o autorstvu Potpisana: Broj upisa: Boiana Mirkovic ./ lzjavljujem da je doktorska disertacija pod naslovom BALANSTRANo ront5ceNJE KApAcTTETA I pLANTRANJE RAzvoJA ELEMENATA AERODROMA o o o o re^J ltat sopstvenog istraZivackog rada. da predlodena disertacija u celini ni u delovima nije bilo koje diploma prema studijskim programima drugih da su rezultati korektno navedeni i da nisam kr5ila autorska prava i koristila intelektualnu bila predloZena za dobijanje visoko5kolskih ustanova. svojinu drugih lica. Potpis doktoranda U Beogradu, 42.4[,2o1b, l4ava o istovetnosti Stampane i elektronske verzije doktorskog rada f me i prezime autora: Boiana Mirkovic Broj upisa: ,/ Studijski program'. ./ Naslov rada: Balansirano koriS6enie kapaciteta i planiranie razvoia elemenata aerodroma dr Voiin To5icMentor: Potpisana: Boian? Mirkovic izjavljujem da je Stampana verzija mog doktorskog rada istovetna elektronskoj verziji koju sam predala za objavljivanje na portalu Digitalnog repozitorijuma Univerziteta u Beogradu. Dozvoljavam da se objave moji lidni podaci vezani za dobijanje akademskog naziva doktora nauka, kao 5to su ime i prezime, godina i mesto rodenja idatum odbrane rada. Ovi lidni podaci mogu se objaviti na mreZnim stranicama digitalne biblioteke, u elektronskom katalogu iu publikacijama Univerziteta u Beogradu. Potpis doktoranda u BeogradLr, 42. {2,9.oib. l4ava o kori5cenju Ovla56ujem Univezitetsku biblioteku ,,Svetozar Markovid" da u Digitalni repozitorijum Univerziteta u Beogradu unese moju doktorsku disertaciju pod naslovom: BALANSIRANO KORISCENJE KAPACITETA I PLANIRANJE RAZVOJA ELEMENATA AERODROMA koja je moje autorsko delo. Disertaciju sa svim prilozima predala sam u elektronskom format pogodnom za trajno arhiviranje. Moju doktorsku disertaciju pohranjenu u Digitalni repozitorijum Univeziteta u Beogradu mogu da koriste svi koji po5tuju odredbe sadrZane u odabranom tipu licence Kreativne zajednice (Creative Commons) za koju sam se odludila. 1. Autorstvo 2. Autorstvo - nekomercijalno 3. Autorstvo - nekomercijalno -bez prerade (rAutorstvo - nekomercijalno - deliti pod istim uslovima 5. Autorstvo - bez prerade 6. Autorstvo - deliti pod istim uslovima Potpis doktoranda U Beogradu, 42,4L.2o4b.